Example sentences of "atlantic to the " in BNC.

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1 If it did not exist , would anyone trouble to invent it at a time when , from the Atlantic to the Urals , socialism in all its manifestations is losing the argument to liberal capitalism ?
2 Before people talk of Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals , they ought to look at the map and understand what they are saying .
3 We have moved significantly closer to concluding an agreement limiting conventional armaments from the Atlantic to the Urals .
4 From the Atlantic to the Urals , European football is about to become the biggest common market of all .
5 Defined by its filigree shoreline to the west , its eastern limits are somewhat arbitrary if you accept , as Mr Duroselle appears to , de Gaulle 's vision of a Europe stretching ‘ from the Atlantic to the Urals ’ .
6 For the accompanying media corps , swelled by correspondents from the Atlantic to the Urals , there were long hours and early starts , countless mid-air prawn sandwiches , several overnight stays , two hot meals and just one real story — when Kinnock 's press secretary , Julie Hall , committed professional suicide in order to save her leader from embarassment in the row over who leaked Jennifer Bennett 's name .
7 Sir John Ross ( 1777–1856 ) , arctic explorer and popular hero , who twice endeavoured to navigate the north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific , SB 49 .
8 There have been a plethora of studies at varying scales , which is a reflection of the Sahel zone 's extension some 6000 km from the Atlantic to the Red Sea ( Fig. 7.1 ) as a transition zone between the Sahara Desert and the Acacia- dominated savanna lands to the south .
9 He was buried , according to his wishes , in a private ceremony far out in the Atlantic to the west of the Hebridean island of Barra .
10 British pacifists , painfully aware of their own marginality , looked across the Atlantic to the still-neutral United States .
11 It was , simply , Gordon explaining that ‘ the try ’ was scored on the fourth anniversary , roughly , of stopping — weighing anchor ? — at the Canaries en route in a 47-footer across the Atlantic to the USA .
12 It is a geological fault , the result of a convulsion of nature in ages past when the north and north-west of Scotland moved away from the rest of the country , leaving a clear divide , straight as an arrow and sliced as though by a giant cleaver , across the breadth of Scotland from the Atlantic to the North Sea .
13 At one end , Loch Linnhe brings the Atlantic to the entrance to the glen ; at the other end , the Moray Firth admits the North Sea .
14 The glen was an obvious subject for a canal that would obviate the necessity for small vessels to make the long and hazardous voyage around Cape Wrath and the northern coast , and in 1803 Thomas Telford was commissioned to construct a waterway to link the three lochs and connect with Loch Linnhe and the Moray Firth , thus giving a continuous water surface from the Atlantic to the North Sea .
15 In some ways , therefore , France had to find a way of forcing the other five members into line behind his conception of an intergovernmental association of European states that would ultimately expand far beyond the Six , to what de Gaulle described as a Europe extending from the Atlantic to the Urals .
16 And he talks of a European home from the Atlantic to the Urals .
17 That political amateur , Gorbachev , talks of a European homeland from the Atlantic to the Urals .
18 The 10.5–9.5Myr episode is penecontemporaneous with a shift in the main locus of silica production from the Atlantic to the Pacific .
19 Willy De Roose may have struck a lucky year enabling him to make the voyage from the Atlantic to the Pacific without having to winter in the Arctic but he did do an enormous amount of preparation and historical reading beforehand for his planning of the voyage so that he was able to snatch opportunities whenever they came .
20 Certainly the Gulf Stream is quite strong enough to carry them across the Atlantic to the shores of Europe .
21 In the long-term he hoped that Soviet control over them would break down , allowing the re-creation of a common identity in Europe ‘ from the Atlantic to the Urals ’ .
22 This term was first used in a speech in Prague in April 1987 which recognised Europe , despite its deep ideological rift , as a single cultural and historical entity ‘ from the Atlantic to the Urals ’ , a phrase which echoed de Gaulle 's vision of the 1960s .
23 Anyway , let's leap away across the Atlantic to the Palace of Golfing Dreams because , frankly , they do n't give a toot about anything , other than next weekend 's 5-hour fourball …
24 The victory of Roman imperialism can in its turn be described as the result of four factors : the new direction given by Rome to the social — that is the military — forces of old Italy ; the utter inability of any Hellenistic army to match the Romans in the field ; the painful erosion of Celtic civilization and its appendages which went on for centuries and ultimately enabled the Romans to control the resources of western Europe from the Atlantic to the Danubian regions ; and finally the cooperation of Greek intellectuals with Italian politicians and writers in creating a new bilingual culture which gave sense to life under Roman rule .
25 We must build a free and democratic Europe , from the Baltic to the Mediterranean and from the Atlantic to the Urals : a Europe that will , however , respect the essential sovereignty of national Parliaments , and not trample them underfoot .
26 The narrow European Economic Community of the 1960s is developing into a wider European Community which could eventually stretch from the Atlantic to the Urals , from the Arctic Circle to the Bosphorus .
27 What de Gaulle offered was not merely peaceful coexistence between the two halves of Europe , but a dissolution of both blocs and , in their place , the " re-establishment " of a European ensemble , stretching from the Atlantic to the Urals .
28 They may yet vindicate his vision of Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals .
29 These pidgin languages were also learnt by the slaves themselves , before , during or after their passage across the Atlantic to the Americas .
30 Covering European forestry from the Atlantic to the Urals , it is the most comprehensive to date .
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