Example sentences of "to pass [art] time " in BNC.

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1 Towards the end of field-work a constable newly transferred to the Neighbourhood Unit from one of the sections expressed his difficulties in adjusting to the new round of duties , stating that it was more difficult to pass the time because nothing seemed to happen ( FN 17/12/87 , p. 16 ) : establishing informal contact with the public was not yet itself seen as doing police work and boredom was unappealing .
2 It is a real pleasure to see these young lady constables and to pass the time of day with them . ’
3 Sequestered that weekend in sealed hotel rooms , without television , the jurors themselves could not enjoy it ; but the trial judge comforted the prosecutor , who was growing anxious about the delay , with the thought that he could watch it if he wanted , to pass the time .
4 I decide he is insane but harmless , and it 's only someone to pass the time with after all .
5 I should hate anyone to think that I am , ’ she said , looking around her at us all and smiling again , ‘ that I am in the business of catering exclusively for prostitutes , tarts working girls , slags bitches , cunts , whores , studs , pimps , rent boys , butches , nellies , queens , masseurs , escorts , one-night stands , ex-models , ex-policemen , ex-Armed Forces , ex-boxers , security guards , tennis instructors , so-called businessmen , tourists and those poor unfortunates who simply come here to pass the time and meanwhile do some shopping ; oh , no , let it never be said !
6 Horses wo n't be airsick all over your lap ; they do n't drone on about overbooked hotels , or insist on playing Scrabble to pass the time .
7 That is except Ben Wyvis , where the deer lie around playing cards to pass the time .
8 He jumps off waterfalls to pass the time of day .
9 The reason why people prolong the information loop is because it is a relatively ‘ safe ’ way to pass the time .
10 The reason why people often prolong the informing loop is because it is a relatively ‘ safe ’ way to pass the time .
11 It is sad , first of all , that so many educated people miss all the fun that is in good science ; how many hours they spend at dinner parties with nothing substantial to pass the time , and how many acres of The Observer have been devoted to the to-ings and fro-ings of Guy Burgess and the annotated laundry lists of D. H. Lawrence , because the impeccably educated editors of that mercifully ailing rag do not know , after they have worked through the football and the statutory theatre crits , what is interesting .
12 ‘ I came to pass the time of day , that 's all . ’
13 ‘ At any rate it will help to pass the time . ’
14 To pass the time , they told Verdeţ what his fate would be if the government resorted to violence to suppress the strike or to try and rescue them .
15 She knew that Maggie was being polite , trawling for subjects to pass the time till she could safely move away .
16 We must account for every idle word , never talk with anyone or undertake any trifling employment merely to pass the time of day .
17 He was used to such things , and he had been able to pass the time by fulfilling an old ambition , to read Edward Gibbon 's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire in the original English .
18 Men who had been unsuccessful in the search for a day 's work drifted into the dining rooms to pass the time away and many sat there on the bench seats , grateful for the warmth and a friendly chat .
19 Graham reluctantly pushed one of the cassettes into the system , waved the cigarette smoke irritably from his face , then turned his attention to the New York skyline and started to name the numerous skyscrapers to himself in an attempt to pass the time .
20 This request for information provides a direction for the conversational fragment , so that we are considering speech with some purpose and not just social chat used to pass the time .
21 ‘ Lonely This Christmas ’ by Mud was playing of the radio and I was swinging my body from side to side in time to the music in order to pass the time .
22 I tried to pass the time imagining the pleasant , and peaceful , countryside all around us as we drove through the mountains .
23 She came home in despair and went back to the clinic to work rather than spend the Sunday alone , or try to pass the time with friends .
24 They used to pass the time being cruel to the poor , gambling , whoring and indulging in most other perversions you could care to name . ’
25 ’ We 'll find ways to pass the time ’ .
26 Or simply a game to pass the time and add spice to the voyage ?
27 Something to pass the time and ease the boredom .
28 To pass the time I had access to the hospital library on VDU , together with TV and video .
29 Why he needed to choose this moment to pass the time of day with all and sundry and — good grief ! — take a wad of notes from his back pocket and count them out with infuriating slowness — was anybody 's guess .
30 That relieved me from the embarrassment of having to ask for it in front of the stoical poker-faced brigade of women who often assembled in the shop in their curlers and headsquares to pass the time of day .
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