Example sentences of "fed into a " in BNC.

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1 Powder systems either have a facility to pressurise the detergent drum , into which water is fed to solubilize the powder which is then fed by air pressure to the dispenser pump , or sachet filled hoppers which are auger fed into a chamber where water is mixed and thence to the delivery pump .
2 The inputs could be details entered onto a form , with a completed form as the output , or the raw materials that are fed into a production process for conversion to assembled components .
3 In a tree and branch network , all the input signals are fed into a main trunk and branches successively split off to serve each subscriber individually .
4 The results are fed into a terminal .
5 The Pro GAP is fed into a Rocktron 300G Compressor which , it 's claimed , is specifically designed for guitar and bass rigs .
6 Rivera 's latest addition to the designer amp market features two independent preamp sections fed into a stereo power amp .
7 A Christmas card needs to stand up by itself , and even the thicker papers which can sometimes be fed into a photocopier are not as stiff as card .
8 The information is fed into a computer so that when an inquiry is made to the centralised reservation service number the customer can be directed to the hotels with the available type of accommodation in the area they require .
9 The ribbon could be fed into a casting machine in another part of the building , where it cast single characters , producing a quality of type much better suited to bookwork than was a Linotype slug .
10 These instruments offer a wide range and large numbers of stops , and some provide an extra selection by means of computer cards which are fed into a slot .
11 The capacitive system works the other way around in that the stylus is used to detect a series of coded pulses fed into a two-layer grid .
12 The capacitive system works the other way around in that the stylus is used to detect a series of coded pulses fed into a two-layer grid .
13 Whatever response is formed , is fed into a second round of sharing , this time with the whole group in stage 3 .
14 The information was then fed into a computer which produced individual body reports together with advice on how to become more fit and healthy .
15 wave output of the oscillator is fed into a divide.by.m circuit , the output of which is coupled to the other phase-locked-loop input .
16 BRENDAN McNally drives the Bobcat to collect china clay which will be fed into a blunger to be processed into ‘ slop ’ .
17 The data was fed into a cross-sectional model with the following specification : where :
18 The insights of psychoanalysis fed into a science of the child mind which rooted behaviour , particularly aberrant behaviour , firmly in family relations .
19 Each idea is fed into a computer and the results tracked , while staff improve leadership skills through team systems .
20 Through the school board , parent expectations and opinions could be fed into a school self-evaluation .
21 In cumulative selection , on the other hand , they " reproduce " ; or in some other way the results of one sieving process are fed into a subsequent sieving , which is fed into … " and so on .
22 It 's being fed into a shredding machine as part of the city 's re-cycling scheme .
23 The measurements are fed into a computer and from this week the NRPB is sending out each week 's results to newspapers .
24 In the afternoon , he goes to the farm to grade animals which are to be sold by computer auction ; his information is fed into a computer on auction day ; buyers can bid by tapping into their computers .
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