Example sentences of "fall [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 as if you were something , somebody very special and again it 's a big con and it , they must think people fall for this
2 Hyacinths , most tulips and some of the dwarf irises , such as Iris danfordiae , fall into this category .
3 The prime site out of the above-mentioned locations is , in my experience , London , and the worst the railway stations , but there are far better places than even the City of London and I have been made aware that the airports are an example of sites that fall into this category .
4 Red-tinged ‘ Lollo Rossa ’ and ‘ Salad Bowl ’ types fall into this category .
5 Canada , Russia , Italy ( an especially grim specimen ) and the Latin American countries ( which clubbed together to build one huge , boring block ) fall into this category .
6 There were plenty of examples of performances which fall into this category in cinematographic history , most notably those of James Cagney and Humphrey Bogart dating back to the Thirties , and the more lovably roguish role , in Bogart 's case , in The African Queen .
7 Diseases of the heart and blood vessels , asthma and other allergies , gastric and duodenal ulcers , and kinds of arthritis all fall into this category .
8 Only about 12 per cent of companies might be termed ‘ high-tech ’ , although this figure should rise as a higher proportion of post-designation companies fall into this classification .
9 If you fall into this trap , it will be your own doing — and your undoing .
10 Animals that fall into this general category include many territorial fish , such as the river bullhead , many reptiles , especially snakes , a few birds , such as the ruff , and many mammals , such as bears , pandas and raccoons .
11 At the present time there are four unusual breeds that fall into this category — accepted by some , rejected by others — and they are the Scottish Fold cat , the Canadian Sphynx cat , the Californian Ragdoll cat and the American Peke-faced cat .
12 People who fall into this habit often have a weak sense of identity and have felt very taken over as children , not allowed their own thoughts and feelings , nor to be themselves .
13 If you fall into this category you will find Jane Lucas ' article on page 14 of interest , and for specific help with your jumping see the first of Jane Wallace 's super new series on cross country jumping on page 36 .
14 Cryla Flow from Daler-Rowney and Brera Extrafine Acrylic from Osborne & Butler , although in tubes , fall into this category because , coupled with their ability to create quite tactile effects straight from the tube , they are fluid and thin well for airbrush use .
15 Those in the Culpeper vault at Hollingbourne , Kent , fall into this category , though it is just possible that the flat-lidded rectangular shell encasing Elizabeth Culpeper ( d.1638 ) did have an outer case .
16 Only Faversham , Bifrons and Chatham Lines ( Kent ) , and Kempston ( Bedfordshire ) fall into this category .
17 The General Manager of Barclays Bank , Trevor Nicholas , has said that out of his 4,000 systems staff there are just 7 that fall into this category .
18 The Singer System machines fall into this group .
19 While laws against personal assault probably fall into this category , it is clear that no one has an individual right to a particular defence policy .
20 Many of the teachers who fall into this category are those who have given up hoping that there will be any room for their beliefs in debate or in classroom practice .
21 Invertebrate predators are often very specific in their chosen prey and one member of the crustaceans fall into this category .
22 Women 's interests ( as housewives or mothers for example ) often fall into this category and are defined as non-political .
23 Here we show that parthenogenesis — associated bacteria from parasitoid Hymenoptera also fall into this bacterial group , having up to 99% sequence similarity to some incompatibility microorganisms .
24 Task forces , project teams , committees , boards , departmental or functional group meetings fall into this classification .
25 Furthermore , we discuss certain concepts in computer design which could be treated as implementational , their use being transparent to the architecture ; the cache stores of 5.4 usually fall into this class .
26 ( Both Major and Minor project schools described in Chapters 5 and 6 fall into this category . )
27 Poorer quality Persian workshop items and most Persian village rugs also fall into this category , as do woollen Herekes and the best quality Russian Caucasian and Turkoman rugs .
28 Traditionally designed Chinese rugs and average quality Balkan , Indian and Pakistani items also fall into this category .
29 It can be argued that many projects fall into this category , perhaps usefully called development engineering .
30 We hope that you fall into this category .
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