Example sentences of "pulling [pn reflx] together " in BNC.

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1 Many of us place more value on action , decisiveness and ‘ pulling ourselves together ’ than we do on contemplation and reflection in solitude .
2 He turned away from the window abruptly , pulling himself together .
3 Penry stared at her in silence , visibly pulling himself together .
4 ‘ You seem very well-informed , ’ said Mrs. Fanshawe , pleased because she had succeeded so well in pulling herself together .
5 The old woman once again muttered incoherently as though complaining and then pulling herself together said clearly : ‘ Does your father wish it ? ’
6 Then , immediately pulling herself together , she strolled up and thanked Kevin and Brigadier Canford very sweetly for her polo stick , before flicking a very obvious V-sign at Trace on the way back .
7 ‘ Some husbands , ’ she said , pulling herself together , finishing her wine , ‘ get very disheartened .
8 Pulling herself together she went out .
9 ‘ Tell me the news , ’ she said , pulling herself together .
10 Pulling herself together with an effort , she gave him what she hoped was a cool look .
11 Her legs were still trembling but she was pulling herself together as quickly as she could and she had to admit that his quiet actions helped .
12 She shivered , pulling herself together .
13 It was only when she found herself being abruptly swept off his lap , and on to the leather seat beside him , that she managed to start pulling herself together .
14 And then , pulling herself together , she told him through clenched teeth , ‘ Tim is not my lover ! ’
15 Pulling herself together with a visible effort , she managed to glare at him .
16 Pulling herself together once more , Rachel 's mouth tightened and she knew the best thing would be to get away for an hour by going to lunch and pushing all thoughts of Damian Flint from her mind .
17 Her angry look vanished , and quickly pulling herself together , she smiled at Giles and said , ‘ I 've been trying to persuade Robert to dance with me but without success .
18 At last , pulling herself together , she went to give Joanna and Helen a watered-down version of the scene that had just taken place — watered-down because , for some subconscious reason , she felt that Dawn 's story was not quite believable .
19 For a wild moment she contemplated locking the door against him , then , pulling herself together , she prepared to face him .
20 She nodded , disappointed that he was being so matter-of-fact , and , pulling herself together , she stared out of the window as the headlights shone on the hedges and fields of the countryside they were passing through .
21 People who had psychosomatic complaints were probably malingering ( if male ) and hysterical ( if female ) , and the appropriate treatment was a stiff talking-to , designed to exhort or scare them into ‘ stopping all this nonsense ’ and ‘ pulling themselves together ’ .
22 ‘ I 'm pulling myself together .
23 Then she poured out in detail the humiliation she had recently suffered , and at last she sighed deeply and said , ‘ You 've caught me at my weakest , but I 'm gradually pulling myself together . ’
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