Example sentences of "[be] forgiven [prep] [v-ing] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 With Maisie still keeping the regulation distance between the two of them , he almost ran after the headmaster , swinging his arms crazily and taking strides so long that a casual observer might have been forgiven for assuming that he , too , was practising the art of Islamic dancing .
2 Listening to the debate and the old-fashioned ideas of male supremacy it unearthed , you could have been forgiven for thinking that we were still in the 16th Century .
3 It was n't a four-letter word , although when one uttered it , one might have been forgiven for thinking that it was .
4 In the light of this amended agreement , the British LTA might have been forgiven for thinking that it had pre-empted any legal action over its former agreement , which it had sent to Brussels for consideration as long ago as September 1990 .
5 With so much good will in the air one might have been forgiven for thinking that there were no differences worth talking about .
6 He could have been forgiven for thinking that he was God 's gift to acting .
7 Because the device drivers operate at DOS level , the new drives appear as additional drives to the client machine — in both DOS and Windows — so much so that you could be forgiven for thinking that they were part of your machine .
8 On reading many accounts of evolution one might be forgiven for thinking that its purpose was to produce us , the species Homo sapiens sapiens , in a rerun of the biblical account of creation with the agency of God replaced by the blind force of natural selection .
9 Those unfamiliar with doing business with Japan ( ie most British firms ) may be forgiven for thinking that there are no credit problems there .
10 The city has changed so much that anyone who has been away for a couple of years could be forgiven for thinking that he arrived in a time machine , not an airliner .
11 You might be forgiven for thinking that I see an ideal speaker-hearer as someone who relies on everyone else to complete his conversational turns , never finishes a sentence , speaks very quickly and often with his mouth full , never answers questions , always repeats himself , says nothing without hedging , and invariably forgets what he wants to say — but who survives , if only by ending his utterance with a triumphant whatchamacallit .
12 When you wheel your trolley around the supermarket , you could be forgiven for thinking that our basic foods have n't changed for years .
13 He was just non compos mentis most of the time and there were times when you could be forgiven for forgetting that he was a woefully sick man .
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