Example sentences of "[be] [verb] all [prep] [art] country " in BNC.

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1 Such things are happening all over the country .
2 The first 20 live closest to the hospital that is to do the transplant , the next 20 are somewhat further afield and the remainder are scattered all over the country .
3 ‘ But what has been happening in Darlington has been happening all over the country , this has been a national problem . ’
4 oh , right oh then , she said it 's been done all over the country
5 It reveals all that has been said in the many policy launches and the speeches that have been made all over the country .
6 They 're spread all over the country , which is why I have to travel so much and why the Consulate had difficulty tracing me . ’
7 These circumstances are mirrored all over the country and are linked with the lack of a firm policy framework at school , local authority and national level .
8 People must be hunting all over the country for him .
9 national account manager who 's specifically looks after and then go and see on a regular basis but call on them but invariably the accounts that those account managers deal with at erm will be split all round the country and will be controlled by our local sales executives in those areas
10 Mrs Boatman will certainly not be expecting her potential charges at Northumberland to be chasing all over the country in search of titles .
11 ‘ We are told that unless we make peace with these noblemen , candidates are to be run all over the country .
12 In nineteen forty two The Lady proudly announced that the president of the Board of Trade had cut his large bath towels in half and he hoped his sacrifice would be repeated all over the country .
13 If you can not make this , do n't worry , as it will be repeated all over the country on a weekly basis .
14 Alarm bells should be ringing all over the country , as there would not be enough beds either in hospital or in the community for people with severe mental illness in the future , he said .
15 We 've got 37,000 members who are spread all over the country .
16 Savings groups were formed all over the country and children ran their own campaigns in schools .
17 Will he assure the House that the new planning practice guidance that he is to issue will give planners teeth , and not just false teeth , to deal with the unauthorised developments being built all over the country ?
18 PE inspector Alan Bell told county councillors that the good practice they saw influenced their draft report to education secretary Kenneth Clarke , so Durham 's guidelines are now being used all over the country .
19 Half a million application forms have been printed and are being sent all around the country , via over 1,000 blubs , nearly 3,000 schools and through the RFU youth development officers .
20 How can the Secretary of State reconcile that experience , which is being replicated all over the country , with the experience of Mr. Watson ?
21 Twelve months later , this user 's experience is being repeated all over the country , sometimes intentionally .
22 It 's happening all over the country — not just to me .
23 That is happening all over the country and the tenants will be required to accept all the costs of repairs .
24 They 're drawn to her eccentric style and now her work is exhibited all over the country .
25 After we finish we have an interview with JBTV ; a local cable music show which is broadcast all over the country .
26 Although it 's more expensive than the regional wines , it is sold all over the country .
27 I am happy to add my voice to that of the hon. Gentleman to ensure that the facility is understood all over the country .
28 And this is happened all over the country , each area are doing the same thing and all of this this er produce this declaration of intent and ask the , the head of the er council to put it to their members and get the support of their members .
29 The poem you 're about to hear is one that 's recited all over the country on Remembrance Day — the fourth verse , in particular , you 'll hear recited on its own or see inscribed on war memorials .
30 By 1800 the new Shorthorn was Britain 's tallest breed , the bulls standing 152cm at the withers ; the famous Durham Ox was 165cm tall and weighed 3,024 pounds as a five-year-old in 1801 when it was exhibited all over the country , remaining a star travelling showpiece until it dislocated its hip in 1807 .
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