Example sentences of "[conj] it [is] equally possible that " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps Jesus meant by this the ‘ outcasts ’ of Jewish society , although it is equally possible that he meant that God 's message — the kingdom — was for everyone , regardless of race .
2 It may be that the Breton expedition was intended to keep up pressure on the French to make the sort of concessions the English would feel able to accept , but it is equally possible that the confused direction of English policy reflected conflicting influences at court .
3 It might , of course , mean that that particular person will readily be labelled ‘ deviant ’ , but it is equally possible that an individual could fully appreciate the attitude(s) of the generalized other and yet choose not to act within its framework .
4 Miron 's tentative conclusion is that older staff may become less concerned about teaching as they develop other priorities ; but it is equally possible that students are responding more similarly , and more favourably , to lecturers who are more like themselves .
5 But it is equally possible that he could spoil any chances he might have had by making some political slip .
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