Example sentences of "[conj] it [is] [prep] noting [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , these encouraging results have not been substantiated in prospective studies of special forms of treatment , although it is worth noting that no proper , prospective controlled study in which patients have been randomly assigned to either a treatment or a no-treatment group has been carried out .
2 We have a way of talking , and thus a way of thinking , about thoughts as if they were sentences in the head ; and it is worth noting that Fodor ( for example in Psychosemantics ) regards folk psychology as providing a rough but reliable account of mental life and behaviour .
3 Waiting is a bore , and it is worth noting that the chain continues to rotate after the disc has stopped , so beware fingers .
4 We established the same result in Section 9.2 by applying the CS conditions to LP* ( 2 , 0 , 0 ) and it is worth noting that the resulting inequalities typically involve more variables than if ( 9.8 ) is used , but ( 9.8 ) presumes a knowledge of the tableau as opposed to just knowing the BFS .
5 It would be wrong , however , to rely exclusively on the accounts of the teachers to whom we spoke , and it is worth noting that the evaluators ' observations temper this picture of dynamism and progressiveness .
6 There is competition , however , and it is worth noting that Basil Caplan , the editor of Organic Gardening Magazine , published his Complete Manual of Organic Gardening ( Headline , £25 , 0 74720515 9 ) to great acclaim last year .
7 Prison security has become an issue , especially since the troubles in Northern Ireland , and it is worth noting that the 1983 report of the Chief Inspector of Prisons suggested that the lessons of the 38-prisoner-escape from the Maze could be applied to England and Wales .
8 This would seem to mark Alcester as something apart from the general category , and it is worth noting that the site lies almost equidistant , as the crow flies , from the major cities of Wroxeter , Leicester , Gloucester and Cirencester .
9 The fall in population did not , however , mean a general decline in economic activity ; rising wages may have served to increase consumption and give some stimulus to production , and it is worth noting that even the magnate class , which was more likely to suffer from the changed balance of power between land and labour through declining rent rolls and higher payments of wages was still able to invest considerable sums in new building during Richard II 's reign .
10 The concern in the present section is with purely reactive circuits and it is worth noting that in dual versions the frequencies at which the reactance becomes zero or infinite is the same , one circuit being resonant ( ) whenever the other is antiresonant ( ) and vice versa .
11 Specialization of this kind was not , of course , the practice elsewhere in the civilized world ‘ but it is worth noting that the broad curriculum of Europe and America is almost equally under fire ’ .
12 But it is worth noting that at least for the criticism of popular culture , and of television in particular , this apparently postmodern move may have less to do with a radical change in the terms of value than with a fundamental shift of attention — and of political faith — from the text to the audience .
13 Mostly , these were people in lower socio-economic groups ; but it is worth noting that even in these groups people with high credit commitments , or people who said that if they had to arrange a loan it would be for a relatively large sum of money , generally said they would prefer monthly repayments .
14 Margaret Irwin herself accepted that the lack of success was caused by " the apathy of the women themselves … the woman does not take her industrial work as seriously as a man … [ she ] does not regard it as the permanent occupation of her life " .37 Margaret Irwin 's views are not to be dismissed lightly , but it is worth noting that she herself did not approach the question with any blazing convictions about equal pay .
15 But it is worth noting that even in China , the buyer of licenses is as much motivated by profit as is the copyright owner .
16 Whether the stance of ‘ being ’ makes any sense in the natural sciences is an interesting question , but it is worth noting that some physicists talk of a phenomenological or holistic approach .
17 These works examine infant development from the quite different perspectives of cognitive psychology and psychoanalytic studies respectively , but it is worth noting that , within the context of these separate disciplines , Piaget and Klein are both distinguished by their emphasis upon the early stages of infant development .
18 But it is worth noting that though the problems this produces for validation of theory are still not resolved in the social sciences , some researchers comfort themselves with the argument that different theories may agree at least on common working definitions , while a significant body of methodological writers has learnt to love the thorny creature by arguing ( after Max Weber ) that the theory- or value-component is a crucial positive factor in social-science explanation .
19 The sensitivity and specficity of Helico-G in our study are also comparable with those of another , but it is worth noting that some workers had to modify the manufacturer 's instructions in order to improve the performance of this test .
20 The reason for this is not clear but it is worth noting that McCamman et al noted that ‘ explosive diarrhoea , gas , cramps , sweating , and feeling light headed were common complaints ’ after healthy volunteers finished an elemental regimen and started to eat food .
21 A fuller discussion of international aspects takes place in Chapter 7 , but it is worth noting that there are cases of companies who entered into export agency agreements when they were small and exporting was relatively unimportant to them .
22 Australia and New Zealand , originally settled by white Europeans and still following a generally Protestant tradition , are usually regarded together — though it is worth noting that if their native aborigines and Maoris still dominated their populations , both countries would be regarded as South-East Asian , joined ethnically and culturally across the Arafura Sea .
23 Socially , the employee dismissed following a conviction will — whether the dismissal was fair or otherwise — find re-employment difficult , though it is worth noting that at least one tribunal has decided that such an employee is not bound to disclose the reason for his dismissal to a prospective employer ( Mackin v J. Carr Ltd , 1974 IRLR ) .
24 Since his answers are relatively familiar , we need not recapitulate them here , though it is worth noting that Marx resisted the tendency , which elsewhere grew constantly more powerful , to separate economic analysis from its historic social contexts .
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