Example sentences of "[conj] it [is] [adj] to note that " in BNC.

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1 Not since Sir Geoffrey de Bellaigue 's Waddesdon furniture catalogue of 1974 has the subject been treated so comprehensively , although it is sad to note that the quality of photography is not as good in this catalogue as in the Waddesdon one .
2 We we do that in terms of of of capital control for Translink and Computer Services , and it 's interesting to note that we do n't class as a debt free authority , so what we have is a number of scare stories from Vincent over there , which is irresponsible .
3 Well football pools are a splendid started because recently somebody has won just over nine hundred thousand pounds , and it 's interesting to note that he did this without exercising too much skill , as I 'm sure he 'd be the first to admit , because he enters the same numbers every week .
4 But no entry is given by Meude-Monpas for ‘ Batteur de mesure , and it is relevant to note that Meude-Monpas 's stated purpose was not to be academic about things , but to write for the ordinary reader .
5 In the end Maxse 's impatience with and apparent willingness to consider abandoning established institutions meant that he stretched his Conservative credentials to breaking-point , and it is important to note that when at his most extreme Maxse was most isolated .
6 The Indian presence in far flung outposts of the Empire , for example , from Malaysia to East Africa , can only be understood in this context , and it is important to note that a tradition of emigration from Jamaica had already developed in the nineteenth century , with 2,000 Jamaicans migrating to build railways in Panama , followed by well over 80,000 who went to work on the first attempt at constructing the Panama Canal in the 1880s .
7 The validity of such first destination statistics as a general measure of graduate employment will be discussed in Chapter 3 , and it is important to note that in this case they did not cover the colleges/institutes of higher education , which produce significant numbers of ‘ arts ’ graduates who have relatively high unemployment rates .
8 The invention of printing in the fifteenth century steadily did away with the need for handwritten books , and it is interesting to note that from that time onwards various styles of calligraphy developed for different purposes .
9 Previous reference has been made to the slowly increasing proportion of graduates entering the Division , and it is interesting to note that in 1984 of all members achieving corporate membership of the RICS , 65.6% did so by exempting degree or diploma courses , but of building surveyors only 51.1% joined the Division by this method , the lowest proportion of the three main Divisions .
10 Library lessons taught library layout , the Dewey Decimal Classification , the index , and the contents page in ways which were not dissimilar from library lessons of 20 years ago , and it is interesting to note that absolute silence is the requirement at all times .
11 The subjects were corn plants , and it is interesting to note that these plants have a natural variability in leaf area of nearly 10% , which can be increased by errors introduced by the measurement technique employed .
12 Increased cellular proliferation has previously been reported in Barrett 's mucosa , and it is interesting to note that EGF is found in many of the epithelial cells of Barrett 's epithelium .
13 These were the first volumes to be received by the library from overseas and it is significant to note that after two centuries many of the original books remain on the shelves and Miller 's Dictionary is still is use .
14 In total one can only marvel at the numerous stations opened in the 1980s and it is pleasing to note that many more are in the pipeline .
15 Sewell lived in a house in College , and it is pleasing to note that in 1807 , £50 was set aside by the College for furnishing two ground floor rooms in his house , and for applying oil paint to floor , architrave , dado and skirting , in white , and to the walls in a light French gray .
16 We have no knowledge of this being in his parents ' minds , but it is interesting to note that this Cohen was a Cabalist , in which tradition Leonard was deeply immersed .
17 The ones described so far probably represent the major positions available to fans , but it is vital to note that simply having a strong relationship with an occupant of one of these role-position holders also afforded some degree of status .
18 Moreover , while 5 per cent of Afro-Caribbean men and 13 per cent of Asian men are in professional and managerial occupations , 19 per cent of white males are in such jobs ; but it is important to note that the ‘ Asian ’ category conceals significant material differences , with 25 per cent of African Asians being in the professions and managerial employment , and nearly 70 per cent of Bangladeshi workers occupying semi-skilled or unskilled jobs ( Brown , 1984 ) .
19 A guide to the vast literature on Merton 's thesis will be found in the bibliographic essay , but it is important to note that variants of it have survived intense criticism .
20 I entirely agree with this decision and with the passage cited but it is important to note that when Nolan J. spoke of the alternatives which ‘ must both be made available to the subject ’ he was , as I think , clearly referring to the alternative on the one hand of allowing the breath specimen to stand and on the other hand of exercising the right to have it replaced by a specimen of blood or urine in accordance with section 7(4) .
21 But it is important to note that there was no one study which established or refuted the theory .
22 But it is important to note that since nothing can be said about the magnitudes of the differences between the various elements along the continuum , none of the standard arithmetic operations can legitimately be used .
23 CDP participation in the 1970s discussions of this relationship , and notably of moves towards ‘ partnership in validation ’ , will feature in the next chapter , but it is important to note that the CDP , with an established office and secretariat , and the authority of the first in the field , was never matched by the Standing Conference of Principals and Directors of Colleges and Institutes in Higher Education .
24 With what degree of innovation this entire process took place it may be difficult to judge in retrospect , but it is important to note that to many observers at the time the very act of establishing the CNAA and its institutions firmly in the picture of higher education was a major innovation , apart from any judgments about the specifics of the CNAA 's activities .
25 This was one of Norman Newell 's great catastrophes in the history of life ( though it is important to note that the floristic changes were to come later ) .
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