Example sentences of "[conj] it is generally accept that " in BNC.

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1 Experts continue to disagree about how to extrapolate from one to the other , although it is generally accepted that even the smallest dose carries a health risk .
2 Although it is generally accepted that the globular domain of H1 or H5 binds to the exit and entry points of nucleosomal DNA , there are currently many conflicting models for the detailed picture of how this is achieved .
3 In 1912 Edison introduced the compatible ‘ Blue Amberol ’ records made of an even tougher plastic ; and it is generally accepted that Blue Amberols had a better , higher fidelity performance than any other medium before the First World War .
4 Consumer public relations depends on using to the full this part of the media and it is generally accepted that any consultant working in this field will have contacts within the appropriate media .
5 There are no rules defining the distinction between runners and strips , but it is generally accepted that a runner is relatively large ( halfway or corridor size ) , whereas a strip is rarely more than .
6 Many diverse schools still come from Okinawa , but it is generally accepted that the mainstay of much of the karate that is practised in the world today is the original shotokan style , brought from Okinawa to Japan by karate 's modern-day founder and innovator , Gichin Funakoshi .
7 A clear waiver of subrogation rights issued by the insurers is obviously preferred , but it is generally accepted that the noting of interests will have the same effect , although there is no guarantee of this .
8 The Act does not define what actually constitutes an artistic work , though it is generally accepted that it would cover any product made by an artist or craftsperson , which is normally unique , hand-made and makes a personal expressive statement .
9 Full length waders are essential as it is generally accepted that the best depth to work is knee to waist deep .
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