Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] is [adj] to assume [that] " in BNC.

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1 Computers designed for scientific calculation , where it is valid to assume that the result of one operation may be an operand of the next have an accumulator and use the one-address format .
2 It follows that it is reasonable to assume that a unit of goodness can exist in the mind of man to aid him in understanding the origin of his God , just as the scientific unit aids human thought directed towards physical activity .
3 Yet the central point is that it is absurd to assume that any woman is less competent to direct her life than any man she marries .
4 Our results suggest that it is wrong to assume that patients will become unduly anxious if they are warned about most of the potential risks of surgical treatment , at least as far as inguinal herniorrhaphy and general anaesthesia are concerned .
5 This can be extremely hazardous and it is dangerous to assume that a rug will necessarily be cheaper in the country of origin than it is in the West ; rugs on sale in the bazaars in Turkey , for example , are often just as expensive , if not more so , than they are in London or New York .
6 This substitute would most likely have been an animal , and it is reasonable to assume that by this time animals were , to some extent at least , tamed if not domesticated .
7 David Hartley ( 1705–57 ) was a disciple of Locke , and it is reasonable to assume that Wordsworth , like Coleridge , had read his work while studying at Cambridge , or just afterwards .
8 The 1555 survey contains forty-six ( exclusive of men who were also freeholders ) , and it is reasonable to assume that something like thirty held land that was sublet in 1522 , an estimate that finds a measure of confirmation in the subsidy schedule which , perhaps in deference to the provision for the taxing of income from customary holdings , mentions the landed wealth of twenty-six men who were assessed on goods .
9 It clearly works as a formula , and it is reasonable to assume that alternatives have been tested and found inferior .
10 However , it may be said to be fairer than the Community Charge in that the tax does , at least , rise with the value of the house and it is reasonable to assume that those living in more expensive houses have higher incomes than those living in less expensive dwellings .
11 People who are ‘ at risk ’ of having mentally handicapped children can be advised of this , and it is safe to assume that some may be deterred from proceeding to have a child .
12 But it is reasonable to assume that Eastern Europe is still considerably better off than Brazil , which in early 1990 was reported to be $6 billion in arrears on its $115 billion debt and facing the prospect of 2200 per cent inflation during the year .
13 There are no studies of the psychological state of IBS patients seen in primary care , but it is reasonable to assume that they represent an intermediate population .
14 Unfortunately we do not have a detailed , turn-by-turn transcription of her interactions , but it is reasonable to assume that her linguistic accommodation was preceded by an assessment of how her interlocutor might be expected to talk ; in other words , that Sue 's assumption of a persona would be mediated through a stereotype of the linguistic behaviour of the group to which she felt her customer belonged .
15 But it is naïve to assume that the LDDC has always operated as effectively as some reports would suggest .
16 But it is charitable to assume that it has something to do with the kind of critic that Pound is .
17 But it is unwise to assume that parents will inevitably pose a problem when they are placed first .
18 But it is fair to assume that every time he sees people outside his own immediate entourage , there will be some among them who have a deep desire for vengeance .
19 But it is safe to assume that the lack of technical evidence — no weapon connected to the murder has been found — and a valid motive will be cited .
20 While it is fair to assume that the smaller the firm the greater the degree of subcontracting , even 50 per cent of firms with 100–300 workers were acting as suppliers to larger firms .
21 It seems that polled cattle existed in Ireland long , long before any invaders would have introduced polled Scandinavian cattle , though it is tempting to assume that polled cattle , especially if they are colour-sided or dun , have Scandinavian origins .
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