Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] be reputed to [be] " in BNC.

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1 She also did a lucrative sideline in stolen goods and peddled information to the Dublin underworld , and she was reputed to be one of the most powerful and certainly one of the richest women in Dublin .
2 Goo-Goo 's greed was legendary , and he was reputed to be a messy eater .
3 But then , dear Lizzie , for all the money — and it was reputed to be in millions — that her late husband had left her , had never known how to dress ; nor did any of the tribe of Braithwaites sitting around her , who had clearly chosen whatever had turned out to be the most expensive and put it on their large , angular bodies just anyhow .
4 Even so , in Roman days diamonds had a far greater monetary value than gold , because they were reputed to be indestructible , and , more important , they would safeguard their wearer against a whole range of misfortunes , from poison to madness .
5 The town is full of Tyrolean charm , and the naturally extended welcome to be found in this corner of Austria is every bit as warm as it 's reputed to be .
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