Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] be handed over [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At least she had her uncle Somerset to watch over her on the journey , and the countess of Salisbury to be a mother to her until she was handed over at Cologne to Louis .
2 Friend and neighbour Mary Ayers , who is looking after the Thoroughgood Road , Clacton , bungalow until it is handed over to executors today , discovered the break-in yesterday morning .
3 By the time of Napoleon 's war against Prussia and his defeat of Frederick William III 's armies at Jena and Auerstadt in 1806 , the people of Danzig were far from disloyal to the Prussian cause , far from willing to throw off Prussian rule , lest they be handed over to some form of Polish domination .
4 They were kicked senseless and then handed over to the Military Police who locked them up in the roofless regimental prison before they were handed over to the Colonel of the Regiment for interrogation and questioning .
5 In evidence earlier this week Lord Aldington , 75 , formerly Brigadier Toby Lowe , who was chief of staff to General Sir Charles Keightley , commander of the British Army 's V Corps in Allied occupied Austria , said he had not known until 1979 what had happened happened to the Yugoslavs when they were handed over to the forces of Marshall Tito .
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