Example sentences of "[adv] scatter [prep] [art] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The three volcanoes concerned are about as widely scattered around the world as possible — Vesuvius in the Mediterranean , Krakatoa in Indonesia , and Mt Pelee in the Caribbean .
2 Nowadays we are so scattered about the country that it is very unlikely that any of us would have a Stainey just around the corner who could be relied upon to put up a first class polish .
3 Finally in despair they turned back for the fleet , but on approaching this , the ships all scattered under the impression that an enemy torpedo raid was coming in .
4 Another group often mentioned is agricultural workers , who are thinly scattered across the land and have had great difficulties in forming a union with political and industrial strength .
5 Often , the tin oxide would be very thinly scattered within the lode and possibly mixed up with other minerals such as quartz , tourmaline and chlorite .
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