Example sentences of "[adv] be subjected to [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless there are , in both units , large cohorts of patients with HIV infection with mildly abnormal liver function tests who have not been subjected to endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography .
2 Situated as it is approximately one mile from the Hull/ York road , it has grown gradually , and yet not been subjected to heavy traffic apart from distribution and collection purposes .
3 However , the tenant should not be subjected to oppressive powers of inspection and he should resist an attempt to make him pay the costs of an inspection , although it would be fair that he should pay the costs if there is a material discrepancy between the information supplied by him and the results of an inspection .
4 Actually , I did n't go to the hairdresser once during the five months I was in Private Lives and my hair became healthier from not being subjected to heated rollers or setting lotion .
5 ‘ Back in Britain — still being subjected to continual bombing — and bombing Germany in return — there continued a massive build up of materials ; ideas ; new inventions , and American , British and Commonwealth forces in preparation of the expected invasion across the English Channel .
6 The advocacy and proof of the feasibility of more creative , composition based practices in music furnished by the Music in the Secondary School Curriculum which led to the inclusion of composition in the GCSE music criteria ( DES , 1985a ) has also been subjected to adverse correspondence similar to that of the language development example above .
7 However , he feels that there are instances where regimes violating human rights might justifiably be subjected to external action .
8 However , it will inevitably be subjected to considerable competition from the recently established colleges and institutes of higher education , who to a large extent command support from the WJEC .
9 Besides being subjected to periodic signals , electrical networks often process nonperiodic signals or pulses .
10 The animals in question are anaesthetised , of course , but are then allowed to recover and may then be subjected to repeated surgery .
11 In this respect they are probably quite unlike the apes , who have not yet been subjected to evolutionary pressures for rapid acquisition of symbol systems .
12 Our objective is to expose those treatments in orthodox medicine that have never been subjected to rigorous testing to prove their safety and effectiveness .
13 The value of one of the principal recommendations , the provision of psychiatric care to attempted suicide patients , remains controversial , and it has only recently been subjected to controlled evaluation ( Hawton et al. 1987 ) .
14 The design of each of the new qualifications is currently being subjected to intensive scrutiny and consultation .
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