Example sentences of "[pron] would be [adj] to assume [conj] " in BNC.

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1 " Clearly it would be rash to assume that Shakespeare knew of this earlier version . "
2 ‘ On the other hand , ’ Doctor Staples said , ‘ it would be unscientific to assume that this had anything to do with his lung collapse .
3 Yet it would be anachronistic to assume that they had surrendered their rights in anticipation of Marxist theories about the superiority of the all-Russian market , or that they felt a particular brotherly love towards the Great Russian folk .
4 However enjoyable it was , it would be dangerous to assume that yesterday 's party can continue .
5 It would be dangerous to assume that this balance of topics necessarily reflects the Authority 's PNP priorities very accurately .
6 It is not possible to identify the proportional contributions of student and supervisor to the publication , in terms of information content , but in the case of mapping assignments , it would be logical to assume that the student performed most of the fieldwork , deriving theoretical insights in later discussion with the supervisor and others .
7 It is not possible to identify the proportional contributions of student and supervisor to the publication , in terms of information content , but in the case of mapping assignments , it would be logical to assume that the student performed most of the fieldwork , deriving theoretical insights in later discussion with the supervisor and others .
8 It would be prudent to assume that the GRU , in collaboration with its clients , is effective at identifying needs and diverting what it purloins to the right places .
9 In R v Mehmed [ 1963 ] Crim LR 780 where the accused had an air pistol which he produced in another 's private house , it would be reasonable to assume that he must have carried it in a public place to get it there or to take it away .
10 Allowing for a certain amount of exaggeration , it would be reasonable to assume that most of the wealthy landowners and business men would have suffered in this ruthless purge .
11 It would be reasonable to assume that the considerable changes that took place in Britain were a result of these large-scale confiscations .
12 This is somewhat surprising , since it would be reasonable to assume that domain-specific dictionaries would contain the most appropriate collocations for domain-specific documents .
13 If it can be shown that most children recorded as unoccupied in the census also had economically inactive lone mothers then it would be reasonable to assume that the concerns about numerator-denominator bias expressed by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys may be exaggerated .
14 It would be reasonable to assume that such researchers had adopted new research interests , had changed occupations , or had moved to different localities .
15 It would be reasonable to assume that such researchers had adopted new research interests , had changed occupations , or had moved to different localities .
16 Perhaps it would be reasonable to assume that 550 deaths are caused in England , Wales and Scotland every year by drunken driving .
17 If the lender under such an instrument had the right to require early redemption , but on exercise of that right he would receive only the original issue price , it would be unrealistic to assume that he would exercise it unless the issuer 's creditworthiness deteriorated to a significant extent .
18 It would be unrealistic to assume that any assessment process based solely on one assessor 's judgement of another 's competence would always be regarded as completely valid and reliable .
19 In many respects , however , life in a special school is like any other day or boarding school , and it would be wrong to assume that rare and special things go on in a special school .
20 It would be wrong to assume that the divisions in the Tory Party , which became so evident after Mrs Thatcher was dumped , have been healed .
21 It would be wrong to assume that Elizabeth 's reign was one of perfect happiness and freedom , or that the contrast between her real physical state and her royal image was not sometimes ridiculous .
22 The form of ‘ unofficial ’ war which they fought was more characteristic of brigandage and open robbery , but it would be wrong to assume that those who constituted the Companies were all , of necessity , men of criminal background or low degree .
23 While not necessarily accepting the fatalism of this argument , it would be wrong to assume that the balance of power between the sexes can be changed simply by persuading more girls to take ‘ boys ’ subjects ' : the issue is clearly too complex to justify simplistic remedies .
24 However , it would be wrong to assume that the future will be dominated by a material , objectified consciousness .
25 One is that it would be wrong to assume that all or even most judges have viewed the distinction in a purely instrumental fashion .
26 It would be wrong to assume that only those who were privileged with the franchise were concerned with the outcome of electoral contests , since those without the right to vote were often able to make their feelings known through demonstrations or riots , which became increasingly common features of electoral contests at this time .
27 Likewise it would be wrong to assume that economic difficulties worked to push the gentry increasingly into the Tory camp .
28 It would be wrong to assume that trade unions have had no effect on these matters .
29 The elaboration and detail of the scheme and the variety of techniques available under it to protect investors suggests that it would be wrong to assume that the statute and its rulemaking powers should be interpreted as being in the shadow of the common law .
30 The collection at Woodstock has goodness knows how many silk wedding dresses , but it would be wrong to assume that every Victorian woman went round dressed in a white silk wedding dress , because they did n't .
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