Example sentences of "[pron] be handed over [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But after a while , after a while we were handed over to the er Spanish fascist authorities , proper .
2 In evidence earlier this week Lord Aldington , 75 , formerly Brigadier Toby Lowe , who was chief of staff to General Sir Charles Keightley , commander of the British Army 's V Corps in Allied occupied Austria , said he had not known until 1979 what had happened happened to the Yugoslavs when they were handed over to the forces of Marshall Tito .
3 From there they were handed over to the Americans , who suspected them of being spies and treated them accordingly .
4 They were kicked senseless and then handed over to the Military Police who locked them up in the roofless regimental prison before they were handed over to the Colonel of the Regiment for interrogation and questioning .
5 Has my mother any entitlement to income on the £60,000 as it was being gathered in by the solicitors and prior to it being handed over to the investment adviser for the purchase of the securities agreed by the trustees ?
6 It was handed over to the National Trust in 1956 .
7 He was handed over to the terribly liberal ( sorry , I think that should be liberally terrible ) dictator by Mr David Steel , hard-line leader of a British political grouping engaged in the notorious Lib-Lab pact , at a time when Ceausescu was still wildly popular .
8 Refused by all , he doggedly returned to Scotland and carried on guerilla warfare until , captured by further treachery , he was handed over to the English by the sheriff of Dumbarton .
9 He was handed over to the British army and sent back to England .
10 He was quickly driven to Damascus where he was handed over to the US chargé d'affaires , John Craig .
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