Example sentences of "[pron] gave rise to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This was a worthwhile exercise which gave rise to a number of alterations .
2 If , however , we wish to prove the existence of ‘ the back of ’ something using quite different criteria of testimony and disallowing all those activities which gave rise to the concept in the first place , then perhaps our proof of the uncertainty of the existence of backs will be less powerful than has been imagined .
3 If an error occurs within a procedure or function , the value of any PRIVATE variables will be the last value they were set to within the procedure or function which gave rise to the error .
4 As it takes about two years to convert an idea to law through our parliamentary system , new legislation is often implemented at a time when the circumstances which gave rise to the idea have substantially altered .
5 Rather we have to ask what was the experience which gave rise to the beliefs and which they encapsulate , however inadequately .
6 The area suffered badly during the time of the plague which gave rise to the legend of the Butterstone .
7 The problems which derive from the decline in the industrial structure which gave rise to the North East as an industrial region have been recognized since the 1930s , and until the coming to power of the present government the same core strategy informed attempts to resolve them .
8 For most of the two centuries since that phenomenon began the conventional explanation has been that it was the new technology ( the spinning-jenny , the new weaving frames , and the steam engine ) which gave rise to the factory .
9 In all periods , attention is paid to the social and cultural background which gave rise to the literature .
10 Most of the video nasties which gave rise to the Act have passed this test with flying colours , whilst most porn fails .
11 He was held in the Tower of London and then at Chepstow Castle and was released in 1665 without having been tried , on the understanding that he sailed for Carolina , which gave rise to the belief that he had turned informer .
12 I can not remember a single one where the risks which gave rise to the accident could not have been measured and prevented with effective safety training , management commitment and — above all - sufficient funds .
13 In their inception , these authorities were based on the fact that the payer and payee were not on an equal footing and it was this inequality which gave rise to the right to recovery .
14 For centuries the outer edges of the world map dwindled to empty lands and seas where early cartographers filled the vast spaces with sea monsters and mythical creatures which gave rise to the figure of speech ‘ Here be Dragons ’ .
15 It is worthy of notice that one of the owners of the Van Lead Mines , which gave rise to the railway , was William Lefaux , who later became a director of the BCR .
16 In specifying a circumstance for the working of the wipers , we may include the switch 's being flipped , but if we do , we can not also include the muscle movements which gave rise to the switch 's being flipped .
17 Other critical statements made about a plaintiff are irrelevant unless they shed light on the defendant 's state of mind at the time he wrote the article which gave rise to the action .
18 Section 12 of the Administration of Justice Act , 1982 , provides for an application by a pursuer for provisional damages in circumstances where : — ‘ There is proved or admitted to be a risk that at some definite or indefinite time in the future , the injured person will , as a result of the act or omission which gave rise to the cause of the action , develop some serious disease or suffer some serious deterioration in his physical or mental condition ’ .
19 The incident which gave rise to the charge is indicative of the high , and often explosive , tension which existed between the NSFU and breakaway BSU men in Glasgow .
20 The classification of the natural world is supposed to reflect the great ordering process that itself gave rise to the variety and diversity of animals and plants that are alive today : the process of evolution .
21 It gave rise to the term ‘ slide-rule strategy ’ and Williams was one of its foremost creators .
22 What gave rise to the protest of the intelligentsia , and what lay behind the revolutionary protest of its extreme wing , was the lack of opportunity afforded them by tsarist society .
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