Example sentences of "options for change " in BNC.

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31 To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will make a further statement on ’ Options for Change ’ .
32 The ’ Options for Change ’ exercise was completed in July 1990 .
33 Does the Secretary of State recognise that the Government 's inaction on this matter has resulted in ’ Options for Change ’ being a shambles ?
34 Will he confirm that , if he were sufficiently unwise — like the Labour party — to cut a further £6 billion from the defence budget , over and above the ’ Options for Change ’ proposals , there would be massive job losses in those factories ?
35 I stress that we believe our proposals are right , and we set them out clearly in ’ Options for Change . ’
36 More recently , on the defence employment front , the ’ Options for Change ’ programme has meant that the unified command for the west midlands , the north-west and Wales has been sited in Shrewsbury , under the command of Major-General Mike Regan , who took over on Monday .
37 Would it not be more cost-effective to use auxiliary jet pilots who have come out of the service under ’ Options for Change ’ than to train women as fast jet pilots , however keen they may be ?
38 Following the changes under ’ Options for Change ’ and the withdrawal of our units from Germany , there will be considerable pressure on our training areas .
39 The reserve forces were mentioned by the Secretary of State in his ’ Options for Change ’ announcement on 25 July 1990 .
40 I will not go further than to say ’ around 40 ’ , but we certainly intend to implement the programme that we set out in ’ Options for Change ’ .
41 With this work as a background , it is now possible to review and develop the various options for change in the planning system which are currently proposed .
42 The publication of a White Paper in July 1991 followed the government 's July 25 , 1990 , " options for change " defence review , the first since the collapse of the communist regimes on eastern Europe .
43 The ‘ Options for Change ’ Defence Review has implications for a large number of Scottish companies .
44 In October 1991 it was disclosed that as a result of the Ministry of Defence ( MoD ) Options for Change report , Kemble and Hullavington would close .
45 Hullavington was scheduled to close next April as part of ’ Options for Change ’ … the government 's restructuring of defence .
46 Under Options for Change we could see there was going to be a reduction in defence expenditure .
47 Mr Hamilton said that 1,308 officers and 5,152 soldiers were being made redundant under the second phase of cuts in the armed forces agreed under the Government 's Options for Change programme .
48 In the army , a total of 1,308 officers and 5,152 nco 's received their redundancy notices under the second phase of the Options for Change plan to cut army numbers by almost 40,000 to 119,000 by 1995 .
49 The Plymouth yard 's company accounts for the financial year 1989/90 reveal the talks began after its managers anticipated a substantial cut in their future workload months before the Government announced the size of the Options for Change defence cuts .
50 Sara Jones , speaking at the launch of the Royal British Legion 's poppy appeal , said she wanted to send a message of support to servicemen who would be leaving the services under the Government 's Options for Change programme .
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