Example sentences of "proved unable [verb] " in BNC.

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1 After French Museums proved unable to agree over the price at which the paintings should go to the Museum of Melun , however , France 's Monuments Historiques moved in and declared the two still lifes the first paintings , after van Gogh 's ‘ Jardin a Auvers ’ , to be historic monuments and thus unable to leave France .
2 In theory , parties were free to frame their own transactions , which could then be carried out without legal impediment ; in the event that a bargain fell through , or if one party balked or proved unable to perform , the law of contract made freely available the regular judicial processes of the court system , in which economic damages would be awarded to the party aggrieved .
3 Yet Stolypin proved unable to enact more than a fraction of the measures he proposed .
4 Others proved unable to cope with the rapidly changing conditions with which they were faced , but there is little evidence of a violent breakdown in social or moral standards .
5 Korea was small and impoverished , burdened by a highly reactionary ruling class which , unlike that in Japan , proved unable to adapt to a changed international environment .
6 Weakened by the two-year government blockade , and torn by internal dissension , the BRA proved unable to halt these localized advances .
7 The King therefore saw Samuel before Baldwin ; and Samuel gave the advice which the Sovereign wanted to hear , namely that if MacDonald proved unable to carry his Cabinet , the best solution to the crisis would be a National Government , led by MacDonald , ‘ unless he found that he could not carry with him a sufficient number of his colleagues ’ .
8 The FDP proved unable to insist on its proposed low taxation zone for the five eastern Länder ( states ) .
9 Prosper Avril and the installation of Ertha Pascal-Trouillot as interim President [ see pp. 37313-14 ] soon evaporated as the new administration proved unable to counter violence and corruption or to prevent tensions developing between the President and the Council of State , amid fears of increasing organization by pro-Duvalierist elements .
10 Edward IV himself was reputedly disappointed by the turn out , probably because he had hoped for the backing of the Percy connection , which the restored earl of Northumberland proved unable to mobilize .
11 Edward IV himself was reputedly disappointed by the turn out , probably because he had hoped for the backing of the Percy connection , which the restored earl of Northumberland proved unable to mobilize .
12 Babrak Karmal , for a start , proved unable to unite the warring Khalq ( Masses ) and Parcham ( Banner ) factions of the People 's Democratic Party , the organisation upon which his authority depended .
13 Nevertheless the Republicans , plagued by continuing factional disputes over strategy , tactics and supply , proved unable to recapture lost territory .
14 In August-September 1982 it proved unable to clinch a peace treaty with its Maronite ally , having effectively installed it as the new Lebanese government .
15 As businessmen proved unable to bring about industrial recovery , Hoover 's administration reluctantly entered the arena .
16 When national passions were translated into imperialist politics , liberal-democratic institutions proved unable to keep the peace . "
17 When the banks proved unable to provide much assistance , he turned to 3i .
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