Example sentences of "[prep] a certain period [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 After a certain period of time denying the cravings for fats and carbohydrates , the mind and body simply rebel .
2 Every loan should be followed up after a certain period of time .
3 As a result , Balder was only allowed to return for a certain period of time , only to disappear and return again .
4 Even Edwards , according to Wood , still presents management ‘ as omniscient , conspiratorial and able , at least for a certain period of time , to get its own way — that is , to solve successfully its problem of control ’ ( Wood 1982 , 16 ) .
5 British immigration officials have extended Natasha 's visa until February 1993 and have said that it will be renewed automatically for a certain period of time after that .
6 In the far north-east and Karnchatka a common marriage practice was the residence of the husband in the family of his bride for a certain period of time , in order to pay for her by performing work for the family .
7 In addition , the copyright monopoly is only given for a certain period of time ( eg in the UK , 50 years from the end of the year in which the author dies ) , but databases are usually continuously updated with new information , therefore does the protection period keep changing ?
8 Erm , we need to be convincing in challenge , otherwise the challenge , erm , we should question whether there is a need for any change , erm , if things have been done in a certain way for a certain period of time , erm , just because we want to change them , does n't mean to say that it does n't
9 Three , you could arrange payment of the deposit as requested , possibly for a certain period of time and possibly for a smaller amount than demanded , this would no doubt by in the process of the licence .
10 Full employment Gross domestic product is a measure of the money value of the goods and services produced in the economy during a certain period of time .
11 The usual system is for the client to say how much he will spend as a working budget during a certain period of time .
12 A takeover bid must be accepted within a certain period of time , namely not less than four weeks but not more than ten weeks from the date of when the offer document is made public .
13 Japan 's Ministry of International Trade and Industry announced that it will ban the capture of the turtles , and gradually reduce imports to zero " within a certain period of time " .
14 Height and weight charts are vital in determining the seriousness of the problem and are the best method of assessing whether the food intake is adequate over a certain period of time .
15 However , just as at a certain place on the earth 's surface we can still call ‘ down' ’ the direction towards the centre of the earth , so a living organism that finds itself in such a world at a certain period of time can define the ‘ direction ’ of time as going from the less probable state to the more probable ( the former will be the ‘ Past' ’ and the latter the ‘ Future' ’ ) and by virtue of the definition he will find that his own small region , isolated from the rest of the universe , is ‘ initially' ’ always in an improbable state .
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