Example sentences of "[prep] [num] [noun pl] ' imprisonment [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The longest determinate prison sentence ever upheld by English courts was the sentence of forty-five years ' imprisonment in the case of Hindawi ( 1988 ) , a man who sent his pregnant girlfriend on a flight with a bag which contained a bomb timed to destroy the aircraft and its 350 passengers in mid-flight .
2 He was sentenced to a total of 12 months ' imprisonment for the summary and either way offences and the suspended sentence was activated consecutively .
3 Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 , s.133 allowed a magistrates ' court to pass an aggregate of 12 months ' imprisonment for two or more either way offences .
4 It may impose a fine of up to £2000 ( unless the Statute creating the offence provides otherwise ) and a maximum term of six months ' imprisonment on any one charge ( and a maximum of twelve months where the person is charged with more than one offence triable ‘ either way ’ , e.g. theft ) .
5 The judge imposed concurrent periods of three years ' imprisonment on Wright and two years on Christou on each of the charges to which they pleaded guilty .
6 J. Spencer commented [ 1979 ] Crim LR 24 : " [ w ] hy should running away after telling lies carry a sentence of 5 years ' imprisonment under s.2(1) ( b ) when running away without telling lies — which is more harmful , because [ the accused ] is likely to be harder to trace — only carries a sentence of 2 years under s.3 ? "
7 Another ETA member , Henri Parot from Bayonne , was sentenced by a court in Madrid in mid-December to a total of 86 years ' imprisonment for a range of charges including attempted murder and membership of a terrorist organization .
8 In 1893 a clerk named Alexander Howland Smith , more familiarly known as ‘ Antique ’ Smith because of his activities , received a sentence of twelve months ' imprisonment for his forgeries of a wide range of letters , including some from Carlyle , Thackeray and Mary Queen of Scots .
9 In the case before the court , there were two either way offences , one of theft and one of fraudulently using an excise licence , but the court had imposed a sentence of one months ' imprisonment for the theft and no separate penalty for the fraudulent use of the excise licence .
10 In 1983 the Home Secretary imposed restrictions on the release of persons serving life for murders of police- and prison-officers , terrorist killings , murder during robbery , and the sadistic or sexual murder of young children , fixing a minimum of twenty years ' imprisonment for these offenders .
11 We regard murders committed in this country by terrorists as deserving a minimum of 20 years ' imprisonment for those people .
12 The most blatant example came in 1981 when it was made a criminal contempt punishable with two years ' imprisonment for journalists , after a trial was over , to interview jurors about their deliberations .
13 McCann , in which the Court of Appeal reduced the sentence for a relatively minor burglary by an offender who had only one distant previous conviction , from two years ' imprisonment to nine months .
14 However , the court upheld the conviction against Mario Biaggi , a former member of the House who was sentenced to eight years ' imprisonment on charges arising from the Wedtech affair .
15 Abdul Fatah , a former leader of the NII movement to make Indonesia an Islamic country , was sentenced to eight years ' imprisonment on June 1 convicted of " activities undermining the state ideology , Pancasila , and the 1945 Constitution " .
16 Song Yude , a 34-year-old Protestant evangelist , was sentenced to eight years ' imprisonment in 1986 for carrying out unofficial religious activities .
17 On 11 June 1992 the husband was arrested at the wife 's house and on 12 June Judge Woodford , finding him guilty of breaches of the injunctions of 12 September 1991 and 12 May 1992 , sentenced him to eight months ' imprisonment for contempt of court .
18 Col. Guillermo Alfredo Benavides Moreno and Lt. Yusshui René Mendoza were each sentenced to 30 years ' imprisonment in late January for planning and carrying out the murder of six Jesuit priests , their housekeeper and her daughter in November 1989 .
19 Another member of the García Meza administration in 1980-81 , Col. Luis Arce Gómez , was on March 22 sentenced to 30 years ' imprisonment by a court in Miami on two drug-trafficking charges ( for conclusion of trial on Jan. 9 , see p. 37958 ) .
20 In the course of the sequestration proceedings in the sheriff court he was sentenced to 30 days ' imprisonment for contempt of court , because he had entered the licensed premises and interfered with the management thereof after giving an undertaking that he would not do so .
21 Ali Haxhiu , a 45-year-old Albanian refugee in the village of Sazli , was sentenced to 30 days ' imprisonment in May 1991 after making a ‘ V ’ for victory sign in the presence of two policemen in a café .
22 Moses Ali was sentenced to 30 months ' imprisonment for illegal possession of weapons on Jan. 7 .
23 The officer in command of a military unit which in July 1986 burned to death a photographer , Rodrigo Rojas de Negri , and severely burned his colleague , Carmen Quintana Arancibia [ see p. 34985 ] was in August 1989 condemned to 300 days ' imprisonment by a military court .
24 The Kirghiz Supreme Court in Bishkek ( formerly Frunze ) on March 19 sentenced Ataman Tashaliyev , a former deputy to the Kirghiz Supreme Soviet , to 12 years ' imprisonment for leading the June 1990 pogrom against Uzbek residents of the town of Uzgen .
25 An assizes court in Paris on June 15 , 1990 , sentenced Rolf Dobbertin , a German-born nuclear physicist who had worked for the French National Council for Scientific Research ( CNRS ) , to 12 years ' imprisonment for espionage for East Germany during the 10 years to January 1979 [ see p. 29786 for his arrest in 1979 and p. 33867 for his release in 1983 ] .
26 In the first trial of members of the extreme left Red Army Faction who had been given refuge in the former East Germany [ see p. 37828 ] , Susanne Albrecht was sentenced to 12 years ' imprisonment by a Stuttgart court on June 3 .
27 Klaus Kuron , a former employee of the West German intelligence service ( the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution ) was sentenced on Feb. 7 to 12 years ' imprisonment by a court in Düsseldorf on charges of treason and corruption , and fined DM692,000 ( the sum which he had been paid by the East German government ) , for passing secret information obtained through his position in the West German intelligence agency , especially relating to West German secret agents in East Germany , over a period of nine years .
28 As a result Praeger was sentenced to 12 years ' imprisonment in June 1971 .
29 Helmut Voigt , a former officer of the East German state security police ( Stasi ) , was sentenced in Athens on Sept. 10 to 10 months ' imprisonment for entering the country on a false passport .
30 In December 1983 he was sentenced to 10 years ' imprisonment for ‘ opposing the revolution ’ .
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