Example sentences of "[adj] o'clock on [art] [noun] afternoon " in BNC.

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1 Barcelona , 2 o'clock on a Sunday afternoon .
2 Three o'clock on a Saturday afternoon will become meaningless , ’ grieves the new edition , widely expected to have been posthumous .
3 He thought : He has acquired the mystique of the story-teller and , glancing at the ring of fire-lit and intent faces , he was suddenly reminded of his first village school , of the children clustered round Miss Douglas at three o'clock on a Friday afternoon for the half hour of story-time , and felt a pang of pain and regret for those lost days of innocence and love .
4 The slow sliding drift towards five o'clock on a Friday afternoon would fill me with panic , as if at the presence of life ebbing .
5 There was a cause for panic greater than the office silence at five o'clock on a Friday afternoon .
6 It 's four o'clock on a Sunday afternoon .
7 The police were called , my client was arrested and was detained at the police station from about midnight on the Saturday until eventually he appeared before the court about four o'clock on the Monday afternoon .
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