Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] scatter [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There were a few guards scattered to the side of the road , all armed , no more than six or seven as far as Adam could make out .
2 They were on the phone for an hour , not really speaking , a few words scattered among the silence .
3 In 1914 there were several German warships scattered throughout the Atlantic and Pacific oceans .
4 The normal activity you 'll find in a primary classroom is groups of children all doing different things scattered round the room .
5 When I looked at the broken bundles scattered across the floor , I recognized the faces .
6 The empty alejacks scattered on the table before him made the coroner look like an angry Bacchus surrounded by votive offerings .
7 In 1940 I was fortunate to find a summer job in the local tomato factory , one of the innumerable similar factories scattered in the Parma province .
8 This Neutrino sea arises from the nuclear fusion reactions taking place in the countless stars scattered throughout the universe , and these minute particles pass through our bodies at a rate estimated at one million to one billion per square inch per second .
9 The village is called Croysant le Wold ; it 's a lost village , more or less — there are a lot of lost villages scattered round the feet of these hills , no more than a grange and a church still standing .
10 The ‘ cluster ’ , under such an arrangement , is a dispersed group of residential facilities and ordinary dwellings scattered round the locality in which individuals receiving the service live .
11 On the book 's back cover is an elegant serene photograph of his sunken garden four august boulders scattered in a brick pattern , sprinkled with water which Noguchi built in New York 's Chase Manhattan Bank Plaza in 1964 .
12 Six years later a papal envoy passing the city reported scarcely two hundred houses still standing , with human bones scattered across the countryside .
13 Here in this room was virtually every shade of that colour — from the cobalt-blue draperies , scattered with little hyacinth flowers , to the sapphire-blue cushions scattered over the bed and the powder-blue carpet , thick and soft beneath her feet .
14 I do n't know whether this is optional … is ‘ being severed in two , bowels turned to ashes and these ashes scattered over the face of the earth . ’
15 Now that America and its European partners have said they will concentrate on protecting ‘ safe areas ’ in Bosnia , the Muslims are left in a kind of Balkan version of KwaZulu , the most fragmented of the black homelands scattered across the map of South Africa .
16 There are also some decorative arts scattered around the museum , and one wishes there were more .
17 And what if all Palestinians scattered around the world do return home ?
18 There might also be quite a number of very much smaller black holes scattered around the universe , formed not by the collapse of stars but by the collapse of highly compressed regions in the hot , dense medium that is believed to have existed shortly after the big bang in which the universe originated .
19 An appendix provides a ‘ getting started ’ introduction to the running of the many programs scattered throughout the book .
20 If a small child rejects medicine dispensed by one of the medical posts scattered throughout the region , parents will not persist in the face of the child 's refusal ( see Robarchek 1980 ) .
21 Industrially the area is dominated by light engineering and manufacturing in the major industrial estates of Park Royal , part of East Acton , Wembley trading estate , East Lane Wembley and a number of independent factories scattered throughout the borough .
22 Nowadays botanists divide the cycad-like plants into two major groups which may not be particularly closely related : the Cycadales , which include the living species , and the Bennettitales , an important Mesozoic group of plants which have smaller fructifications scattered among the bases of the leaves .
23 Luckily they are more likely to be used to collect the used parachutes scattered across the DZ .
24 To make matters worse , all the inventions are hidden in the various objects scattered around the cave system , so you 'll need all your wits about you if you 're to do it .
25 Below these slopes , north of the village and on various plots scattered throughout the commune , the vines are not as well sited , but they provide wines outshining other premiers crus .
26 The presence of minority groupings of Shiites in Turkey and Afghanistan , and pockets of Turkish-speaking Sunnites in Persia and the Caucasus ( not to mention the ubiquitous Christian Armenians and nomadic tribesmen scattered throughout the region ) ensure that there are numerous exceptions to the rule .
27 The island has 24 roomy bungalows scattered about the beachfront , each with a wide verandah and excellent facilities .
28 They lived in small villages scattered over the landscape in varying degrees of density .
29 Why , again , are the planned towns scattered about the country in so haphazard a way , and so different in age and social type — Salisbury 's plan belongs to the thirteenth century ( Fig. 9 , p. 93 ) , Middlesbrough 's to the nineteenth .
30 Next moment , he emerged into one of the many small clearings scattered about the forest .
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