Example sentences of "[verb] on to argue that the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Shanken goes on to argue that the factor analysis methodology may be manipulated by merely recombining a given set of securities and that therefore on its own the factor model is inadequate as it is incapable of economic interpretation .
2 He goes on to argue that the bourgeoisie have always used sections from within the ‘ dangerous classes ’ to control those who are overtly troublesome , perhaps following the maxim that ‘ it takes a thief to catch a thief ’ , when he argues : ‘ for one and a half centuries the bourgeoisie offered the following choices : you can go to prison or join the Army ; you can go to prison or go to the colonies ; you can go to prison or you can join the police ’ ( ibid. 23 ) .
3 He goes on to argue that the emergence of organised crime networks is bound to happen in a capitalist system .
4 Morris goes on to argue that the Melanau image of the spirit world reproduces this social environment by representing the cosmos as ‘ a kind of loose composite or ‘ international ’ society knit together by a commonly held ‘ rule of law ’ ' ( 1967 : 214 ) .
5 He goes on to argue that the reality is different from the rhetoric .
6 I will go on to argue that the finding as to ‘ maleness ’ , though regrettable , should not have precluded a finding that there was a marriage .
7 He went on to argue that the bill violated fiscal discipline and would have destroyed jobs and undermined small businesses .
8 The proposal went on to argue that the development of library skills would be a natural consequence of project involvement since it would involve " more practice in the skills of retrieval " .
9 Hallowell ( 1950 , 1956 ) went on to argue that the emergence of culture was due to a novel psychological structure rooted in the social behaviour of the gregarious primate that gave rise to Man .
10 He went on to argue that the key to avoiding
11 Kaunda went on to argue that the image or interpretation given by the press of a particular government coloured attitudes to it internationally :
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