Example sentences of "[verb] spring [adv prt] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A whole new service industry — office design — has sprung up in the city , and the demand for furniture , secretaries and commercial space has pushed up prices .
2 She occupied a tiny apartment hidden away beneath Betty 's house , and she had a habit of materializing unexpectedly as if she 'd sprung up through a trapdoor .
3 But the lies Emerson had told sprang up as a barrier between them , insurmountable because they could not be acknowledged .
4 The view that has found favour amongst those involved with Earth Mysteries , and one which seems to spring out of the page when these legends are brought together , is that most folklore associated with ancient sites can best be interpreted in terms of the survival of the old pagan religion and , one of its wellsprings , the existence of some form of energy which the ancient people were sensitive to and which they used for healing and in their rituals .
5 They were in obvious danger from the revolutionary " khomieths " that had sprung up throughout the country to enforce radical change .
6 As before , he disguised himself in beggar 's clothes , and hobbled into the village which had sprung up around the river of wine .
7 So , the Excavator 's house of Call had sprung up from a beer-shop ; and the old -established Ham and Beef Shop had become the Railway Eating House , with a roast leg of pork daily , through interested motives of a similar immediate and popular description .
8 Throughout these crucial years of twentieth-century growth , the many colonial countries that had provided so many natural and human resources for the Western machine began to demand an independence of their own , fired by the very principles of democracy that had sprung out of the Enlightenment and inspired the French and American revolutions .
9 Places dedicated to film presentation , the penny gaffes , did start to spring up at the beginning of the new century , but it was only with the emergence of long films around 1910 that cinema acquired any sort of institutional presence in British towns .
10 In later years , one union member pointed out that there was " a new generation of printers who have sprung up since the strike .
11 Fortunately for this particular hippy , she picked a merchant with a well-earned reputation for consistently high quality , because since the early Seventies a bewildering number of organisations have sprung up with the intention of guaranteeing a wine 's organic credentials .
12 If the past two years of desktop publishing has had an impact on the traditional typesetting market it must surely be reflected in the number of PostScript bureau that have sprung up around the country .
13 The more accomplished players gain additional encouragement from their membership of , and loyalty to , one of the many music centres which have sprung up in every part of the country .
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