Example sentences of "[noun] i 'd [adv] like [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd like to know more about it because having gone through it without any eventuality I 'd quite like to know what I missed !
2 Chairman I 'd just like to vote this man 's attention for one brief minute on Appendix A , er the situation analyses from the work that will go into the Highways Committee service plan .
3 The underlying point I 'd just like to give an example er of how the F T would benefit er if a recovery takes place .
4 One point I 'd just like to add to what David was just saying there was that when you were talking about those orientation problems , when we were making the film of the children at Brickwall , what was brought home to me very strongly was that these sort of problems can arise in mathematics , as well as in reading .
5 At this point I 'd just like to comment on Virginia Bottomley 's contention that she 'd give twenty four percent to Social Services extra in S S A to the ac for the Act .
6 I 've got a couple of things I 'd really like to mention if no-one else has got anything .
7 Erm sometimes er I have n't mentioned much about the gender of the therapist but sometimes it can help a great deal if the therapist 's the same gender as the same person who 's undergoing therapy and it also helps if it 's er sometimes you ca n't very easily with some therapists , y'know it sometimes erm helps if it 's somebody you can trust and confide in and stuff like that and obviously , having met various psychiatrists and clinical psychologists , er quite a number of them are not people I 'd particularly like to talk about about being abused as a child .
8 Moderator I 'd just like to thank the convenor .
9 Before we start this morning I 'd just like to make one brief announcement er one of my colleagues has asked me to announce er a lecture to be given on Thursday at five fifteen , that is er directly after the second systems lecture of the week , erm on the title of the transition from totalitarianism to democracy , changes , challenges and opportunities in the former Soviet Union and it will be given by the Baroness of Queensbury erm and that 's er at fife fifteen , one four one in this er in this building .
10 Well erm in complete summary I 'd just like to go through three points again .
11 There are a few scenes I 'd just like to run through before we break and — ’
12 Colleagues I 'd just like to put one of er John 's themes and that is that for the next couple of days we 've got a hell of a lot of business to get through and er we 've done quite well so far but er I would certainly be looking where possible colleagues for formally seconding er , as often as possible , if not all the time and I really appreciate your er your assistance in that regard because we have a great deal of business to get through in the next two days .
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