Example sentences of "[noun] [be] unlikely to be able " in BNC.

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1 Third parties are unlikely to be able to challenge concessions granted to a taxpayer .
2 The CAB has become quite used to responding to emergencies , so when a bureau is alerted to an impending crisis and the clients are unlikely to be able to visit the bureau , the workers go out to the clients .
3 ‘ Non-German bond yields are unlikely to be able to undercut their DM counterpart , and with plenty of supply on the way , the floor will not come down too quickly . ’
4 But the main intended beneficiaries of the new law are unlikely to be able to afford the rents at places they now have legal access to .
5 Likewise , leasing companies were unlikely to be able to retain more than one third of the aircraft they ordered on their own balance sheets .
6 By November 1927 the patent application had been rejected on the grounds that the description was so sketchy that ‘ an expert is unlikely to be able to practise the invention ’ .
7 Palladium and electrolysis , claims of helium and energy and ‘ incomplete descriptions such that [ even ] an expert is unlikely to be able to practise the invention ’ .
8 It became increasingly clear that the Council was unlikely to be able to provide services , most notably sewerage , for houses in their new housing centres .
9 But airlines were unlikely to be able to finance more than half the aircraft they ordered through their balance sheets on an outright ownership basis .
10 However , it is nevertheless suggested that the draftsman is unlikely to be able to provide a satisfactory procedure for future disputes without losing most of the advantages of determination by expert .
11 LEFT Do not discard food or food wrappings in waste bins , because your dog is unlikely to be able to resist the temptation of scavenging , tipping the bin out in the process .
12 If the housing visit is carried out too early , say six months before the transfer date , landlords are unlikely to be able to say with any certainty whether property is likely to be available for rent .
13 He also believed , first , that France was unlikely to be able to secure an alliance with Britain ( because of the two countries ' disagreement about the Near East in 1840 ) ; second , that Britain might support Russia in the event of a Russian attack on the Ottoman Empire ( because of the Anglo-Russian discussions which had taken place in London in 1844 ) ; and third , that in any event he could count on the support of Austria ( because of the assistance he had rendered Vienna in putting down the Hungarians in 1849 ) .
14 Alternatively , the tests can be carried out free on the NHS , and although the NHS clinics and hospitals are unlikely to be able to provide an answer within one month , Mr Goswamy believes that , with proper organisation , a three month programme should be possible on the NHS .
15 On the contrary , the learning process is very time consuming and most volunteers are unlikely to be able to concentrate on acquiring new computer skills which may be only peripheral to the immediate problem of interviewing clients .
16 Meanwhile , Intel still denies that there is any delay in volume deliveries of the Pentium 80586 microprocessor for public consumption , but vendors briefed by the company have confirmed that , as we revealed a few weeks ago ( UX No 410 ) , the part at present needs a heat sink and a fan , and that Intel is unlikely to be able to ship in volume before the fourth quarter 1993 .
17 The investment bank is unlikely to be able to squeeze monopoly rent from a relationship .
18 This situation can totally disrupt family life , for the father who is jealous of his children is unlikely to be able to play his part in the family satisfactorily .
19 In London your pupil-master is unlikely to be able to arrange for an offer of a seat ( i.e. a room , or share of a room ) to be made to you .
20 However , a solicitor is unlikely to be able to concentrate on advocacy as a barrister can .
21 A precisely even update pattern is not usual , so the designer is unlikely to be able to rely on such an occurrence in deciding on file timings .
22 Wishing that Mrs Wallington had not staggered up all the stairs with a heavy breakfast tray when her guest was unlikely to be able to eat anything very much , Julia called out , ‘ Come in . ’
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