Example sentences of "vouch for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Daca , the main agent for North Star , has issued copies of a letter from a City solicitor vouching for the ‘ good standing ’ of Global Finance which says the corporation is understood to have access to ‘ significant funds ’ .
2 Stewardship accounting is , therefore , typically limited to the balance sheet showing the money collected by the stewards , the form in which that money is held , and an audit certificate vouching for the truth and fairness of the statement .
3 Hotspur had promised her a fair deliverance , vouching for the prince no less than for himself , and in his promise she believed as in the mass .
4 On what grounds , she reflected now , enlightened , had he vouched for the boy ?
5 Banks in Switzerland and the City had vouched for the money .
6 The chief agent asked Grunte whether he was prepared to vouch for a Mr David Swan , who claimed to be a member of his local Party .
7 It 's now up to the country of origin to vouch for the health of the animals .
8 In daytime sleep , such an effect is not present and night-workers can vouch for the broken sleep produced by the more rapid filling of the bladder after lying down during the daytime .
9 ‘ It was a first-past-the-post system and I can personally vouch for the result because I saw with my own eyes a clear majority for Prime Suspect . ’
10 ‘ It was a first-past-the-post system and I can personally vouch for the result because I saw with my own eyes a clear majority for Prime Suspect . ’
11 I can vouch for the truth of this .
12 As a native New Yorker , I can vouch for the fact that he is a classy guide to some very mean streets .
13 He checked the police ID cards , and finally had to accept that the police would vouch for the social workers .
14 The reappearance of the ill-fated train on the anniversary of the tragedy is not taken lightly by the local inhabitants and there are many people who will vouch for the authenticity of the phenomenon .
15 As someone who worked in the BMC when it was at its height , and who has very long acquaintance with both protagonists , I can vouch for the veracity of Dennis 's story as told here , and can only lament the nit-picking which has continued even after its publication in this book .
16 History can vouch for the kind of rapid change of fortune and geography which beset Aubrey and Maturin , nor are their actions ever allowed to be improbable .
17 A REPORT PREPARED by the District Attorney , who would not vouch for the figures , said Los Angeles had 150,000 gang members of all races .
18 I can personally vouch for the usefulness of the information in guiding me to places where turn-of-the-century cyclists had rested on roadside verges — and lost money and valuables .
19 Having personally discussed the matter with many of them , I can vouch for the fact that this was not the case .
20 Having spent some time loading and editing complicated vector graphics files in CorelDRAW I can vouch for the accuracy of this claim .
21 We man not want pictures of birds of prey or even cows any more , but these artists will vouch for the steady demand for dogs , cats and horses .
22 My hon. Friend the Minister of State will vouch for the effectiveness of the scheme in West Sussex as only last week he commented most warmly on it .
23 I think your aunt can vouch for the fact that I was . ’
24 That it took Hibs 37 minutes to record their first shot at Ally Maxwell vouches for the minuscule depth of their ambition and explains why they were , in the end , beaten hollow .
25 The second suspect was a resident of Consett , but on the night in question his wife had given birth to their first child , and the doctor and the midwife both vouched for the fact that the man had never left the house after he came in from work at half-past five until he went to work the next morning , an hour after he had heard his son first cry .
26 Enthusiasts , such as the Nobel prizewinners who vouched for the SSC 's promise in Washington on April 13th , would point out that the SSC is not meant to boost the superconductor industry — it is meant to find new physics .
27 The reference call to the hotel , The Randolph — that 's what he 'd remembered clearest of all , really : he 'd looked up the telephone number and then been put through , on the extension given to him by his client , to the Deputy Manageress , who had promptly and effusively vouched for the bona fides of Rent-a-Car 's prospective customer .
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