Example sentences of "twelfth [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 There is abundant evidence to show that in almost every corner of Europe the area under the plough was expanding : villages were growing ; new lands were being colonized ; marshes were being reclaimed , forests felled ; in the eleventh and twelfth centuries the frontiers of Europe were being pressed outwards , and on Germany 's eastern frontier , and to a lesser extent elsewhere , new land was being settled by peasants as well as by lords .
2 In the tenth and eleventh and early twelfth centuries the hand of northern conquerors on Italy was light — occasionally felt in a marked way ; but intermittently .
3 In the tenth , eleventh and twelfth centuries the kings of France and England were anointed on the head with chrism , the specially sacred mixture of oil and balsam used in the ordination of priests and the consecration of bishops .
4 At the turn of the eleventh and twelfth centuries the Norman Anonymous ( formerly known as the Anonymous of York ) wrote that ‘ the king reigns with Christ ’ , reflecting the common doctrine of the tenth and early eleventh centuries that the king was Christ 's vicar , that he was rex et sacerdos , that although he could not administer the sacraments , he ruled over the Church as well as over his temporal kingdom , that all authority was vested in him .
5 At first these were of timber , on motte and bailey pattern , but gradually during the eleventh and twelfth centuries the wooden keeps were replaced , in important places , by stone ones .
6 Three , seven , four seven twelfth night The twelfth night ?
7 Will you please try and act it out like we did the Twelfth Night the bit with Mrs , and see whether you can revive your idea of why Johnson , what is the nature of , of Johnson 's comic art .
8 Since the twelfth century the Bishop of Durham had a manor , and lived here except during the Commonwealth when bishops were in exile and this was the seat of the general who governed the North .
9 Knowledge of Greek science and technology , combined with Iranian and Indian traditions and enhanced by further scientific studies and inventions , spread from there to other parts of the Islamic world , including Sicily and southern Italy and especially Moorish Spain , where by the twelfth century the main centres of learning were in Cordoba and Toledo .
10 Towards the close of the twelfth century the pike was used to counter cavalry charges , and remained in use in various forms until as late as the eighteenth century .
11 Even in the twelfth century the majority of the population of any country in western Europe , except perhaps in Flanders and north Italy , were clerics , knights or peasants .
12 In the twelfth century the canon lawyers devised an elaborate , and comparatively humane , legal framework for poor relief .
13 In the twelfth century the development of round ships was going on apace , and the first steps taken towards the mighty cogs of the late Middle Ages .
14 The popular courts survived far longer , and the royal court remained stronger than elsewhere in northern Europe ; and in the twelfth century the royal court began to grow in importance , until in later centuries it swallowed the jurisdiction of most other courts .
15 By the end of the twelfth century the modern distribution of settlements was firmly established .
16 By the late twelfth century the Papal State as a separate entity had been long established as a notion even if its boundaries were in a continual state of flux .
17 By the twelfth century the typical onion shape had emerged whereby the dome was increased in diameter above the springing then became more slender and steep above to throw off the rain and snow .
18 Thus , for instance , in the twelfth century the Carthusian Guigo II said that " reading seeks for the sweetness of a blessed life , meditation perceives it , prayer asks for it , contemplation tastes it .
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