Example sentences of "bless us with " in BNC.

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1 That blessed us with the vision faith had won ,
2 As so often in the past , Our Lady blessed us with fine weather so that were able to hold our group procession on Wednesday morning , carrying her statue along the holy mile to the Shrine , singing hymns and reciting the Rosary .
3 ‘ I 'm sure I do n't know for what act of yours the Deity has seen fit to bless us with mounted Normans , and shiploads of mercenaries , and woods that burn in a trice , but you must have dropped a word somewhere that commended itself . ’
4 " We are strong , brave , clever — and the gods have blessed us with magical voices , too . "
5 We are n't animals — God has blessed us with free will .
6 There in Ephesians one three Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ .
7 May he bless us with new hope and determination to live according to His Word , our Lord Jesus Christ .
8 Lord , hear us : And bless us with a living faith .
9 ‘ Eternal Father , you have placed us in a world of space and time , and through the events of our lives you bless us with your love .
10 Bless us with happy seasons and long life .
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