Example sentences of "couple this with " in BNC.

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1 The Labour government elected in 1974 decided to concentrate its housing resources on the needs of the inner city areas and coupled this with changes in the basis of the rate support grant which disadvantaged rural local authorities .
2 The executive Commission welcomed Mr Clinton 's commitment to agreeing a GATT world trade deal , but coupled this with a warning that any recourse to protectionism to spark economic recovery could lead to disaster .
3 Couple this with a quality assessment system which is riddled with jargon and technical description and the caterer has a hard time deciding what he or she is going to buy and from which company .
4 Couple this with Matthew 18:15 on confrontation : ‘ If your brother sins against you , go and show him his fault … . ’
5 Couple this with all the marks of ritual degradation and the undermining of dignity and we have a damaging and possibly irreversible social experience .
6 Couple this with lies about recognition and the offence is great .
7 Couple this with the earlier sociological observations about the students ' experience being describable in terms of intellectual , technical and general cultural hegemony .
8 Couple this with the subtle change in image ( from naked half-man , half-mutt on ‘ Diamond Dogs ’ to a grey suit ) and you have the beginnings the funky sojourn Bowie was about to embark on — which would , of course , peak with ‘ Young Americans ’ and crop up again whenever he was short of a few ideas .
9 Couple this with the subtle change in image ( from naked half-man , half-mutt on ‘ Diamond Dogs ’ to a grey suit ) and you have the beginnings the funky sojourn Bowie was about to embark on — which would , of course , peak with ‘ Young Americans ’ and crop up again whenever he was short of a few ideas .
10 If you couple this with the work of the Richmond Committee , it is clear that food safety is an important issue for our industry in the 1990s .
11 Couple this with the fact that Leeds had been champions the season before , the decline in away fortunes was even more mysterious and worrying .
12 It is therefore wise to consider specifying in the Articles the extent of a nominee director 's duty and couple this with an acknowledgement in the subscription and shareholders ' agreement that the nominee has been appointed to represent the interests of a particular group of shareholders .
13 The third example is the view that it is good primary practice to adopt a predominantly ‘ enquiry ’ or ‘ exploratory ’ mode of teacher-pupil interaction and to couple this with plenty of encouragement and support for children 's responses .
14 We would couple this with an investigation to discover the real cause or causes of the high labour turnover ( which may turn out to have nothing to do with the immediate problem ) .
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