Example sentences of "entitled to legal " in BNC.

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1 You are entitled to legal protection and reporting assaults to the police makes it less likely that they will recur .
2 You are entitled to legal protection and reporting assaults to the police makes it less likely that they will occur .
3 Mrs Roper and I were entitled to legal aid , but unfortunately Mrs McNeil was n't , and that proved disastrous .
4 The final horror of this was yet to come — because Grace McNeil was not entitled to legal aid , she was required to pay over £10,000 court costs !
5 Although applicants are entitled to legal representation , they are not always legally represented , the proceedings being simple and involving little or no legal principle .
6 Before an examining magistrate the accused is entitled to legal representation .
7 In Australia the mother would be entitled to legal aid , as in England the father would be so entitled .
8 On 17 May Marshalls wrote to the debtor confirming these terms , and mentioning that he might be entitled to legal aid with regard to litigation .
9 An applicant will not be entitled to legal aid if representation is available to him from his Trade Union .
10 Affirming that " practically every leader agrees that negotiation is the key to reconciliation , peace and a new and just dispensation " , and in support of the government 's " declared intention to normalise the political process … without jeopardizing the maintenance of good order " , de Klerk announced changes which he said removed some of the most important obstacles to negotiation , namely ( i ) the lifting of the ban on the ANC , the PAC , the SACP and a number of subsidiary organizations ; ( ii ) the release of those imprisoned for membership of one of these banned organizations ( but not members imprisoned for politically motivated crimes involving violence ) ; ( iii ) the abolition of the media emergency regulations and of the education emergency regulations , although restrictions would remain on " visual material pertaining to scenes of unrest " ; ( iv ) the removal of restrictions imposed on 33 organizations under the state of emergency , including the National Education Crisis Committee , the United Democratic Front ( UDF ) , the Congress of South African Trade Unions ( COSATU ) and an extreme right-wing group , Die Blanke Bevrydingsbeweging van Suid-Afrika ; ( v ) the lifting of personal restrictions imposed on 374 people already released from detention ; and ( vi ) a six-month limit on detention without charge under the emergency regulations , with detainees henceforth being entitled to legal representation and their own choice of medical attention .
11 They are entitled to legal representation on their own behalf and any solicitor they appoint will represent their interests in the proceedings .
12 The papers were entitled to legal professional privilege .
13 They are also entitled to legal advice , ’ explained Ms Garner .
14 Well they got to court without a solicitor cos they were n't entitled to Legal Aid , and now you see that 's another thing , they 're both out of work , they were n't entitled to any Legal Aid , so they had to go on their own to court
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