Example sentences of "announced on oct. " in BNC.

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1 Earlier , the socialist Congress Party for Malagasy Independence ( Parti du congrès de l'indépendance de Madagascar — AKFM-Renewal , formed after the March 1989 presidential elections — see p. 36678 ) announced on Oct. 6 that it had pulled out of the ruling coalition .
2 Tass also announced on Oct. 6 that two Austrian civilians had been chosen ( for an undisclosed sum ) as candidates for an Austrian-Soviet Soyuz-Mir space mission in 1992 .
3 The ANC announced on Oct. 22 that a high-level meeting had been arranged with the leadership of Inkatha on an unspecified date .
4 The ruling Communist Party ( PCC ) announced on Oct. 5 reductions in excess of 50 per cent in the number of national and provincial party posts .
5 The UN announced on Oct. 12 that the number of refugees from Iraq and Kuwait awaiting repatriation in Jordan had fallen to 700 , from some 43,000 at the start of the month .
6 Iran and Iraq announced on Oct. 14 their decision to resume diplomatic relations , formally severed in October 1987 [ see p. 35601 ] , and to re-open their respective embassies .
7 The IMF announced on Oct. 9 that it was to realign the currency weightings which were used to calculate the value of the special drawing right ( SDR — the unit in which its internal dealings and most of its loans were denominated ; for the last five-yearly review see p. 34140 ) .
8 The United States announced on Oct. 11 that it was imposing a two-year embargo on the South African state arms manufacturer , Armscor , in protest at the proliferation of missiles and missile technology by Armscor .
9 President Sam Nujoma announced on Oct. 29 that Namibia would shortly be opening a Namibian interests office in South Africa .
10 The Gambia announced on Oct. 23 that 980 illegal immigrants , the majority from Guinea and Sierra Leone , had been deported ; the expulsions were apparently prompted by concern over a rise in violent crime .
11 The Attorney General Rogelio Cruz announced on Oct. 7 that a military coup against President Guillermo Endara Galimany had been thwarted and that four former officers , who had belonged to the now defunct Panamanian Defence Forces ( FDP ) which had been led by the deposed ruler Manuel Antonio Noriega , had been arrested .
12 The former guerrilla group Alfaro Vive , Carajo ! announced on Oct. 21 that it had disbanded and that its members had joined the ruling Democratic Left party ( ID ) .
13 The International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) announced on Oct. 1 that it had increased its lending to Bangladesh — under an existing three-year enhanced structural adjustment facility ( ESAF ) — to help the country to cope with the impact of the Gulf war and the effects of the April cyclone [ see pp. 38152 ; 38176-77 ] .
14 President Corazon Aquino announced on Oct. 2 a compromise formula for the closure of the United States naval base at Subic Bay .
15 Finance Minister Sigbjoern Johnsen announced on Oct. 17 an NKr11,500 million rescue package for the country 's banking system .
16 President François Mitterrand also announced on Oct. 22 , in return for an undertaking by farmers to end violent protests , that the government would introduce border controls on imported meat , reduce land and inheritance taxes , encourage the growing of crops for the production of environmentally friendly fuel , and introduce a new pension scheme to allow farmers to retire at 55 .
17 Major announced on Oct. 17 that the UK was to write off unilaterally some US$850,000,000 in debts owed by the poorest countries — two-thirds of the debt owed by some 20 countries .
18 The ruling Provisional National Defence Council ( PNDC ) announced on Oct. 2 the repeal of the 1982 Protective Custody Law and the Habeas Corpus Amendment Law of 1984 with effect from Sept. 30 .
19 President Alpha Oumar Konare announced on Oct. 9 that France had decided to given financial support for the implementation of the national peace pact signed in April with Tuareg rebels [ see p. 38853 ] .
20 Prime Minister Guy Razanamasy announced on Oct. 16 that the Chief of the Armed Forces General Staff and the Commander of the Development Forces of the army had been dismissed following the late delivery of fuel to the capital .
21 President Alfredo Cristiani Burkard announced on Oct. 28 that he had suspended all moves to reform , purge and reduce the size of the army , as set out in the UN peace accord of January 1992 [ see p. 38716 ] , until the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front ( FMLN ) guerrillas had completely disarmed and demobilized their forces .
22 Subsequently , however , the CNGSB announced on Oct. 22 that it intended to launch " a new and fierce terrorist campaign in the country " , but nevertheless qualified this by repeating that it would still support moves by " political parties , the working class , trade unions and everyone else " to find a political solution .
23 Foreign Affairs Minister Raffi Hovhannesyan announced on Oct. 16 that he was resigning at the request of President Levon Ter-Petrosyan over " apparent policy disagreement " .
24 At the same time , however , reports of a hardening in the US negotiating position appeared to be confirmed after the USA announced on Oct. 15 that it would sell 870,000 tonnes of subsidised vegetable oil worth US$377,000,000 to 11 countries .
25 The rebel Movement for Democracy and Development ( MDD ) announced on Oct. 30 that it was repudiating reconciliation agreements which it had signed with the government in Libreville , Gabon , on June 24 [ see pp. 38952 ; 39132 ] .
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