Example sentences of "turning her face " in BNC.

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1 Nell finished tightly tucking in the last strand of hair , and pulled on a black woollen balaclava before snuggling down into her sleeping bag , turning her face to the fuselage wall .
2 Stella could n't tell whether she was acting or not — she looked dreadful , as if she was suffering from the worst sort of headache , and yet she kept watching herself in the glass , turning her face this way and that , peering forward to follow the track of a tear rolling down her cheek .
3 He went and stood by the shower and watched Sophie in soft-focus shampooing her hair then turning her face to the showerhead .
4 ‘ Nothing — except waiting here for you too long , ’ she answered , turning her face away from him .
5 The veils of sleep and illusion dropped away and she moved as far away from him as the seatbelt allowed , turning her face to the window .
6 He took her chin between finger and thumb , turning her face and drowning her in the warm amber light of his eyes .
7 ‘ Now I know , ’ she yelled , turning her face to his , meeting his gaze with cold , hating eyes .
8 From behind her , Garvey cupped Izzie 's small jaw in one hand , turning her face over her shoulder towards his .
9 ‘ I 'm not a mind-reader , ’ she said eventually , then with a defensive jerk of the head she slipped the catch before he could reply and was suddenly free , breathing in the cold , clear air , turning her face to the rising sun , wishing he would release her from the spell that still ensnared her .
10 Fran shrugged , turning her face away from his calculating scrutiny , studying the way the moonlight bounced and sparkled off the water with a fixed expression on her face .
11 She had made it halfway before deciding to come up for air , turning her face upwards as she broke the surface only to collide in a tangle of arms and legs , with a strong , masculine body .
12 His grip tightened about her , and he caught her head in his hand , turning her face to his .
13 ‘ We keep in close touch , ’ she replied shortly , deliberately trying to mimic his earlier dismissal by turning her face away as she spoke .
14 She felt for a tissue to wipe tears that were falling uncontrollably , and , seeing her need , he took a large handkerchief from his pocket and , turning her face to his , he very gently wiped her eyes .
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