Example sentences of "provide enough [noun] " in BNC.

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1 STRONG reservations about whether the Government would provide enough resources to make the Environmental Protection Bill work tempered enthusiasm for its contents yesterday .
2 The evidence for the dark matter comes from the temperature of the gas , which is found to be about 10 7 K. This is because the temperature is determined by the strength of the gravitational field , and the visible material alone ( the combination of the gas and the galaxies ) does not provide enough gravity to explain such a high value .
3 Many employees run private pension schemes , but often these wo n't provide enough income to give you a really comfortable lifestyle .
4 The tenor of his argument was that the Parliament due to meet in February 1545 could not provide enough money in time .
5 The fund raising committee splinter group warned that the health authority would not provide enough money to staff the unit once it was built .
6 Mr Peter Bergg , the Liberal Democrat candidate , said Labour 's plans would not provide enough money quickly enough to sort out the country 's homelessness problems .
7 An Oxfordshire consultant has told how specialist hospitals have to turn to charity for funds because the government does n't provide enough money .
8 VAT does form part of the Institute of Taxation exams , but it is covered ‘ relatively superficially ’ and would not provide enough expertise for the successful candidate to become a VAT consultant .
9 The reduction of Fe(III) in the presence of D. desulfuricans could not be the result of indirect reduction of Fe(III) by sulphide because the initial sulphate concentration of only 320μM could provide enough sulphide to reduce less than 5% of the Fe(III) that was reduced .
10 But the monsoon rain will provide enough water to keep Kumana villu full and the lotus pads flourishing until the dry season comes round and the jacanas and all the other water birds are ready to start nesting again .
11 There was more persistent questioning of the assumption that the market could indeed provide enough work for all who deserved and sought it , either at home or in the colonies , at wages which enabled the worker to provide adequately for himself and his family .
12 I 'm sure this village and the surrounding ones will provide enough work for two veterinary practices .
13 Given the policy of restraint we believe that they should provide enough land to meet requirements , they should n't base their figure on past overtake .
14 Yet it is clear that existing law does not provide enough protection for children against sexual abuse within the home and the Committee fails to make alternative proposals that will sufficiently strengthen it .
15 A small PP3 battery should provide enough power for several hours use .
16 ( Normal headphones sockets do not provide enough power to generate the required DC bias for the plates . )
17 By the time the army reached Middenheim it was the largest single force in the history of the Empire , and Magnus had to divide his troops into two forces as no one place could provide enough food and water to support the entire army .
18 By the time the army reached Middenheim it was the largest single army in the history of the Empire and Magnus was forced to divide his host in two as no one place could provide enough food and water to support it .
19 Some kinds achieve a modest height by packing closely together in cushions and so giving one another support , but their soft , permeable , water-filled cells do not provide enough strength to enable individual stems to stand upright .
20 It will be one of the largest plants of its kind in the UK and will provide enough energy to service about half of Portsmouth ( 100,000 people ) .
21 A well balanced diet will provide enough iron for the average person , but sportspeople may need to supplement their diet with 15–20g ( 0.5-O.7oz ) of iron per day .
22 It is not surprising that single lines of trees or hedges have proved ineffective — these simply do not provide enough material to scatter or absorb much sound .
23 will provide enough fuel to keep a WWF forestry team Landrover going for a week .
24 £25 will provide enough fuel to keep a WWF forestry team Landrover going for a week .
25 Institutions do not provide enough student accommodation .
26 Two practices were employed rather than one because one did not provide enough names fitting the research criteria , and also because both working-class and middle-class respondents were required : one practice was in a working-class and one in a middle-class area .
27 A gift of just £12 could provide enough sachets of ORT to save 240 children .
28 If the edge of the plating does not provide enough information , a minute flake of plating , as small as 1 sq mm , can be mounted on its end in an epoxy resin for easy handling .
29 CHEAP AND quick tests on cell cultures and bacteria can often provide enough information on the safety of chemicals for government regulators to reach decisions on their potential for doing damage to human genes .
30 But a regular inspection every four or five years can not by itself be sufficient protection for the parents or the children ; nor can it provide enough information by which to judge the effectiveness of a school .
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