Example sentences of "far fewer [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 — there are far fewer letters than sounds , so that , for example , the five written vowels have to stand for two to three times as many spoken vowels ;
2 Immediately the tarmac is soft and muddy , brown water gutters between the road and the wood and corrugated iron houses on each side , there are far fewer lights , open shop fronts are also cheap eating places and tiny spaces for sleeping .
3 The STA delegate meeting of 1905 passed a resolution urging branches to ban any new women entrants to the trade , and over the next year or so Edinburgh became increasingly isolated as first Aberdeen , then Dundee and Perth succeeded in closing the trade to new women recruits ( there were far fewer women compositors in these towns anyway ) .
4 There are far fewer studies of the incidence of dementia .
5 There are far fewer areas in the simulated map about which one would risk a definitive statement than in the map from the unsimulated process .
6 Beyond the defended area , there are far fewer side-streets and lanes and occupation was concentrated along the main road frontages .
7 Someone once said , ‘ If fish could scream , there would be far fewer anglers . ’
8 The roadside parking was more limited in those days , but of course there were far fewer cars about so we had no problems on that score , and the walk up to the lower tier was over in minutes .
9 In countries such as Japan and the USA where salaried councillors exist there are typically far fewer seats available .
10 There were far fewer flags , a distinct lack of appetite for celebration .
11 Without the slightest doubt , there are far fewer gestures in the world than there are individuals .
12 Authors are not supposed to avenge themselves in their writings , but they do , and if they were to be prevented , there would be far fewer books .
13 When we turn from personal evangelism to community-focused church-based evangelism there are far fewer books which provide practical help in this area .
14 If that were done , there would be far fewer appeals .
15 There are far fewer mosaics of fourth century date in this region than there are in the West Country .
16 ‘ It 's cheaper than experimenting on people , and there are far fewer risks and restrictions .
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