Example sentences of "force [prep] change " in BNC.

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1 LABOUR 'S policy review was a symbol of the party renewing itself and becoming again a force for change , Tom Sawyer , deputy general secretary of Nupe , the public sector workers ' union , said at the start of four days of debate on the review reports .
2 Now more than ever it is important to be a force for change .
3 But the seminal event was Sir Peter 's decison to publish A Force for Change , the survey carried out last year by the Wolff Olins consultancy .
4 The publication of A Force for Change was crucial because it represented an important internal victory for the reformers , and established glasnost as the principle by which the Met was to be put right .
5 THE main public response to A Force for Change is the Plus Programme , a continuing series of measures drawn up by Deputy Assistant Commissioner Charles Pollard and Commander Alec Marnoch .
6 Abelard encourages us to see the cross as a moving force for change .
7 They seemed a force for change .
8 They will be both a force for stability and a force for change in the next Parliament whatever role we play . ’
9 The present political initiative rests upon a consumer- or market-based perspective as the driving force for change , and upon the belief that managers within the service will respond to that direction .
10 The two issues at stake with the labour aristocracy thesis are : can this relatively privileged sector of society be a militant force for change or will it want to maintain the status quo ?
11 The new social movements represent a multi-class force for change , but so far , have in general been limited in their achievements .
12 If done well team appraisal can be a dynamic force for change .
13 In most cases , education has been viewed as politically significant by both governments and oppositions , whether as a major force for change , or as a way of bolstering the existing regime .
14 Richard Charkin is the chief executive of Reed Consumer Books and — particularly since he led Reed out of the Net Book Agreement ( NBA ) last year — a major force for change in the business .
15 He writes songs that bare their roots with an unsubtle pride , and in choosing to cover both a Ron Wood song and a very Clash-version influenced ‘ Pressure Drop ’ , he has outlined his mission very clearly ; namely , to be the sort of rock musician who thinks that Keith Richards is a force for change in the world and that Los Angeles poodle metal is bollocks .
16 Important though changes in people 's expectations are , the most obvious force for change in industry is technical advance .
17 This brings me , of course , to the last driving force for change in industry , which is the force of competition .
18 Ultimately the strongest driving force for change must be the students and young doctors themselves .
19 Concerned now that there is a pressing need to draw Eastern Europe and the Third World into the debate , she is nevertheless convinced of the continued centrality if the market economy as a force for change : ‘ The market will go on having a fantastically important role , pushing things forward . ’
20 I am not about to dismiss the poor as part of a force for change , but there is a great deal more to it than organizing the poor to help themselves .
21 The greatest force for change is the growth of the superstores , likely to dominate British electronics within five years .
22 That conference injected a force for change into the thinking of South Africa , at a moment when the country was ripe for it .
23 Or did he see it as a force for change ?
24 The basic question at issue in the debate is whether the United Kingdom is to be carried along in the wake of those changes or to be a driving force for change .
25 The distinctive feature of teacher enquiry , the individual struggling to understand the events and interactions of his or her own classroom , may not be a powerful force for change " .
26 And yet the very division between the literate and the non-literate in the countryside was a powerful force for change .
27 In his discussion of the ancient city states , as in his discussion of feudalism , the contradiction between these two systems had been identified as the driving force of change .
28 This encyclical was , of course , theological rather than practical in its purpose , and though it undoubtedly helped to quicken the pace of liturgical reform in the Church , the driving force of change lay elsewhere — most particularly perhaps in Germany .
29 Overall institutional allocations might then be fine tuned ( there was a process initially called ‘ mitigation ’ which protected traditionally high cost institutions from the full force of change ) and there are other criteria to meet such as targets for sub-degree , part-time and mature intakes ; but this distribution of packets of money by students identified with subject areas remains the basis of the system .
30 The force of change , when it comes , will be generated by the increasing availability of good multimedia databases and the demand of the libraries ' mainstream customers for access to these databases , both for reference and loan .
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