Example sentences of "let [pers pn] go " in BNC.

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1 These bands make me think of Robert Bridges ' poem of love , I Will Not Let Thee Go .
2 Police tried to pull away refugees climbing over the embassy 's back fence last night , but they moved aside when the West German ambassador , Hermann Huber , appeared in the garden and said : ‘ Let them go ! ’
3 Let them go , gets back to the station [ there was a ] description of a stolen vehicle .
4 ‘ Then let them go elsewhere . ’
5 Look at them , acknowledge them and then tell yourself you will deal with them later and let them go .
6 Acknowledge their existence and tell yourself that you will think about them later — then let them go .
7 Remember that harmful thoughts will hurt you and let them go as soon as you become aware of them .
8 All you have to do while sitting at home or at work , or on a train or bus , is to tense up the arm and leg muscles , then let them go , saying to yourself ‘ I am relaxed ’ .
9 Concentrate on your feet ; let them go , thinking relaxation into them .
10 Squeeze them together and on an outward breath let them go .
11 Squeeze them together again and on an outward breath let them go again .
12 Now take your concentration to your hands , make fists and squeeze them together and then let them go .
13 Scrunch them up towards your ears and on an outward breath let them go .
14 On an outward breath just let them go .
15 ‘ We called the police and let them go through the house .
16 Let them go , ’ sniffed Simon .
17 Let them go .
18 They review this possibility annually and he explained that when they have identified children who will go back they let them go into mainstream school for at first a morning and then one day a week .
19 Erm I 've had one comment from the people in Nottingham , that er we need to have a clearer idea of exactly what we want from people , and then let them go away and and read more detailed bumf in more detail .
20 But the blacks they just let them go .
21 Why do you think the police let them go ?
22 Let them go ahead with it .
23 If you got home and let them go , slosh water into them , you 'd soon have some dead 'uns . ’
24 Let them go out and show us and the world that we are right ’ .
25 My mother then gathered them up and put them in a container , and I took them to a nearby stream and let them go with goodness knows what effect on the environment .
26 And if you do n't do that , once you let them go you 've had it , so it is very important .
27 let them go .
28 ‘ What you think — we give them their bus-fare and let them go ? ’
29 Better that we get rid of these people in the Labour Party if they do not want our involvement let them go and form their own party , as a trade union ordinarily formed originally formed the Labour Party !
30 But of course with them coming like that and perishable goods , we let them go as they wanted them , to clear the lot like that .
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