Example sentences of "to find the room " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Tilling , who began to find the room oppressive and smelly , left her sock-laden armchair ( from whence , she suspected , most of the aroma emanated ) , and decided to investigate the kitchen .
2 He began to find the room too oppressive .
3 She was astonished after riding the lift to the top floor of the hotel to find the room deserted , save for Meredith asleep in an armchair behind the door .
4 I went out for the day , and came back to find the room full of thick smoke from Holmes ' pipe .
5 She woke to find the room dim with approaching dusk , and without lights except for the glow of the fire .
6 It was not easy to find the room .
7 She awoke to find the room in darkness except for the glowing hearth .
8 She sat up with a start , blinking , to find the room full of electric light again , and her host occupied in turning off the lamps , his face streaked with oil and his black hair wildly untidy , but with an air of triumph about him which she registered with some amusement .
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