Example sentences of "right and left " in BNC.

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1 It also completed the long task of national reconciliation , burying by example the myth which dates from the 1946-49 Civil War , that right and left can never co-operate .
2 The Spanish Civil War , which began in July 1936 when General Franco 's fascist troops from Morocco landed in southern Spain , exerted a major impact upon the international political scene and , nationally , upon the attitude of the right and left in Britain .
3 ARGUMENTS against electoral reform look rather threadbare when looked at against the reality that our constitution has already failed to prevent ideologies of the extreme Right and Left from seizing power at both local and national levels .
4 The crew divided to right and left according to where their jobs were and , following Emil , I found myself climbing up not into the dining car but into one of the sleeping cars .
5 If the kite turns either way left or right , then increase the pull on the opposite side , right for turning to the right and left for a left turn .
6 Transfer the centre stitch and the 7th stitch at right and left to adjacent needles .
7 Continue working up the graph , row by row , again knitting right on the right and left on the left .
8 He passes speedily from the absurdities of haute cuisine to the shortcomings of folk cookery , and deals a swift right and left to those writers whose reverent genuflections before the glory and wonder of every least piece of peasant cookery-lore make much journalistic cookery writing so tedious .
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