Example sentences of "usually [be] found " in BNC.

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1 Empirically , the assumption of constant interest rates has usually been found to be an acceptable approximation .
2 Since Nicholson 's is an Allied operation it is not surprising that Tetley 's is a fixture in its pubs and Burton Ale can usually be found .
3 Brazilian music can usually be found only on specialist world-music labels , but suddenly there are three compilation albums released by the majors .
4 Plausible reasons can usually be found for avoiding weeding .
5 Contact names and numbers can usually be found on staff noticeboards or obtained from regional offices .
6 But on closer examination it can usually be found that they have used very selected samples that are not representative of sexual offenders as a whole .
7 Ladybird larvae can usually be found on plants where aphids are plentiful , for the adults tend to lay their eggs in such places .
8 A 40–46 h interval between the PMSG and hCG injections will usually be found optimal .
9 Some prime numbers can usually be found that give a good transformation — in fact it is the high probability that any suitable prime chosen will do so , allied to the ease with which this technique can be used to fit any number of records into precisely the required storage space , that makes this such a convenient method .
10 History books can usually be found under the following classification systems :
11 It can usually be found on banks of channels or around pools on the marshes .
12 In fact , almost every type of tree has a species of Eriophyes associated with it , and the galls they produce can usually be found on the leaves even after they have fallen .
13 LocoScript PC Easy cuts out some of the more esoteric features that can usually be found in a word processor these days — advanced layout features such as newspaper style columns , the ability to add footnotes , access to an on-line thesaurus etc .
14 The bars of the histogram are arranged in descending order of size and it will usually be found that 80 per cent of the money will be associated with 20 per cent of the products , to a first approximation — the origin of the well-known 80–20 rule .
15 For linear and branched polymers , liquids can usually be found which will dissolve the polymer completely to form a homogeneous solution , whereas cross-linked networks will only swell when in contact with compatible liquids .
16 The bars of the histogram are arranged in descending order of size and it will usually be found that 80 per cent of the money will be associated with 20 per cent of the products , to a first approximation — the origin of the well-known 80 — 20 rule .
17 When she 's not having a drink or tucking into a bag of crisps , the five month old badger cub can usually be found on the snooker table .
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