Example sentences of "forms of thought " in BNC.

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1 Freudians , like Marxists , can not step outside their own forms of thought to admit that they might be wrong ( unless , like Crews , they undergo a deconversion ) .
2 That development entailed a recognition that the concentration upon language by the school of logical positivism , within which Ayer 's dismissal of religious belief emerged , might not so much show up the meaninglessness of theology as elicit its own particular logic Wittgenstein 's thought appears to show a progression from concentrating upon language in order to exclude certain forms of thought — as in Ayer 's exclusion of metaphysics — towards concentrating upon language in order to make sense of those different forms in a way that was sensitive to their particular nature .
3 Their preferred description of it has been overinclusive thinking which has frequently been used to explain certain forms of thought disorder seen in psychotic patients , such as the tendency to cognitive ‘ slippage ’ , loosely associated ideation , and difficulty in maintaining a tight boundary for abstract concepts .
4 But what is it about these forms of thought that is ‘ idealist ’ ?
5 This means that the categories available to these forms of thought are generated in the same way as those available to the law and politics though their practical application may have a different type of effect in the world .
6 And women have not been present in those circles with the result that they have been deprived of the means to participate in the construction of forms of thought which are relevant or adequate to express their own experience , ( Spender , 1981 , p. 3 ) .
7 Four of his colleagues were not so sure , feeling that , in a society scarred by discrimination , the sheer nastiness of some forms of thought had to be taken into account .
8 Because scientificity is achieved through a break with common-sense forms of thinking , termed ‘ epistemological obstacles ’ , Bachelard , like Lévi-Strauss and Althusser after him , argues that any philosophy such as existentialism that is founded on the basis of the truth of the experience of the knowing subject is bound to involve illusory or ideological forms of thought .
9 But if the new science is produced through a rupture with the ‘ errors ’ of the old , the tenacious hold of common-sense forms of thought means that any given text may simultaneously embody aspects of the old and new ways of thinking , theoretical and ideological frameworks that Bachelard , and Althusser after him , term ‘ problematics ’ :
10 Different forms of thought about such different entities are posited .
11 Yet the importance of each position , by contrast with other forms of thought , is that it leads , necessarily , to intensive study of the relations between ‘ cultural ’ activities and other forms of social life .
12 But then there are also , in printing , overlapping cases such as calendars , almanacs and grammars , and soon , decisively , the printing and circulation of a whole body of classical literary texts , of other ( introduced and reintroduced ) forms of thought and learning , and then , finally , of newly produced texts .
13 Instead , having conducted a further searching examination , he set me to the cataloguing of the little rituals , those magical forms of thought that I myself had developed in order to cope with the stress of eidesis .
14 At the very least , the idea of higher education implies an educational process in which students are not simply initiated into forms of thought , but are encouraged actively to engage with them .
15 Philosophically , we can not provide any absolute epistemological underpinning for our knowledge endeavours ; and , sociologically , higher education and its manifold forms of thought have lost any pretensions to occupying an independent position in relation to the modern state .
16 With mathematics and the natural sciences occupying such a dominant position in the culture of modern society , other forms of thought are obliged to jockey for position somewhere behind .
17 There is the belief that even if criteria of rationality differ across forms of thought , at least individual forms of thought could be said to contain discrete pools of rationality .
18 There is the belief that even if criteria of rationality differ across forms of thought , at least individual forms of thought could be said to contain discrete pools of rationality .
19 We can see this dynamic at work at different levels within forms of thought .
20 Forms of thought are bounded ; they occupy but a portion of intellectual space .
21 So a degree of scepticism is required from practitioners towards their own forms of thought , with their associated practices and values .
22 It is only in embryonic forms of thought , or professional fields trying to establish themselves ( paramedical areas ) , or subjects where there is a lot of infighting ( sociology ) , where the standards of critical judgement come up for much review .
23 Logocentrism is the term he uses to describe all forms of thought which base themselves on some external point of reference , such as the notion of truth .
24 Back in February 1967 John Michell , the ley-lines and saucers correspondent of It , wrote to the paper , explaining his concern with It 's ‘ interest in political forms of thought and protest …
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