Example sentences of "arms holding her " in BNC.

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1 For a second or two she felt the protection of a man 's arms holding her securely and then she had crashed on top of him and was lying spread-eagled on a rock-hard body , deceptively concealed beneath soft fabric .
2 He was in jeans and a white shirt open at the neck , the sleeves rolled up over powerful brown arms , and Jenna experienced an unexpected shiver as she remembered those arms holding her yesterday .
3 She leant lower over the bed , to give her words extra emphasis , but Ace took immediate and unfair advantage of her low centre of gravity , and pulled her down on to him , his two arms holding her firmly pressed against his full length .
4 Or was it ? she wondered , her memory reaching out to the feel of Silas 's arms holding her against him , and to his lips resting upon her own .
5 Surely any minute she would wake up and find Marc lying beside her , his arms holding her in the loving way of barely twelve hours ago ?
6 Only his strong arms holding her tight against him saved her from falling , her bones turning to liquid within her as his lips nuzzled relentlessly towards her ear .
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