Example sentences of "stood wait [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ben stood waiting beside the door .
2 At the door Nurse Lambert stood waiting with a wheelchair — crisp , starched , bright as the April sunlight .
3 I have a picture in my mind still of endless queues of captives waiting under guard to mount the steps of the Aztec temples where the priests of Huitzilopochtli stood waiting with obsidian stone knives , hands and faces black with caked blood , their robes stiff with it , as they worked industriously to open up each human chest , extract the still-palpitating heart , offering it to their filthy god , then tossing the torn-open body back down the steps to the waiting warriors below , who hacked it into joints for the ritual cannibalism that ensured both the pleasures of the flesh and added prowess from the absorption of the captive joint into their own live bodies .
4 Lio ! rt and Liartes were already striding back across the turf to where the servants stood waiting with their mounts .
5 Quotes Kevin and Mick stood waiting on the platform .
6 There was no time , however , for him to develop such a fascinating , and probably futile thought ; for as he stood waiting on the pavement outside the hotel entrance , a taxi drew up , and with the help of the driver a very drunken man staggered stupidly into the foyer .
7 He had taken great pains to make it attractive ; green candles in crystal holders stood waiting to be lit and in the centre was a bowl of white miniature roses , their heads like pale ghosts against the polished wood .
8 He put the books back in the drawer and stood waiting for Mrs Hatton to recover .
9 ‘ You mean they just stood waiting for the bombs to fall ? ’
10 Alison stood waiting for me to reply , but I could n't .
11 A young stable lad led out another horse , and stood waiting for the one which the smith had almost finished shoeing .
12 As she stood waiting for a taxi a speeding car appeared out of the freezing fog .
13 He had his back to her and he stood waiting for another outburst , but when neither answer nor movement came to him he turned his head slowly and looked at her over his shoulder .
14 As the party entered the courtyard a middle-aged priest stood waiting for them , the cupola of Saint James rising behind him .
15 As he stood waiting for the kettle to boil , he reflected that he had nothing so good and lavish as he had observed through the open door of Mrs Farmer 's kitchen .
16 Watching the door , Lucy stood waiting for them to emerge again , but their exit appeared to be taking a long time to eventuate .
17 The Coptic woman went to one side and stood waiting for her husband , who was delayed in the church .
18 The Archon 's young daughter stood waiting for her father .
19 At a quarter past nine there was a tap at the door ; Beryl came in and stood waiting for his attention .
20 He went ahead of her to the concert hall , bought the tickets , and stood waiting for her in the foyer .
21 Cos I , I were asking if they wanted a baked tatie and that and we stood waiting for them and you noticed on sack
22 Down in the dark and foggy street a figure stood waiting beneath a lighted gas lamp .
23 I stood waiting in the pre-dawn dark watching house lights go on .
24 She knew now who it was and stood waiting in the hall until Greg joined her .
25 It was the usual sequence : we 'd picked up this batch from the mass grave , in the woods , and stood waiting by the van on the approach road while the carbon monoxide went about its work .
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