Example sentences of "generally accepted as " in BNC.

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1 Their fossil remains seem to occur with other animals and plants , which are generally accepted as terrestrial .
2 In men the signs and symptoms of gonorrhoea will appear after the incubation period , which is generally accepted as being between two and ten days .
3 Vibration is generally accepted as being another word for energy .
4 Wine produced by this method is generally accepted as superior to sparklers produced by other less expensive means which are usually known as vin Mousseaux .
5 In practice , this largely means freezing out local authority representatives and the relevant trade unions , which , compared to south of the border , are more generally accepted as deserving a place in public life .
6 A similar quest can be pursued for the first book with gilt lettering on the spine — generally accepted as being the third volume of a set of Byron published by Murray in 1832 .
7 For a variety of reasons this type of explanation must be rejected today and the explosive diversification of Metazoa across the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary , as recorded in the strata , is now generally accepted as being a true reflection of what actually happened ( Stanley , 1976 ; Seilacher , 1977 ) .
8 And yet , the astonishing fact is that the H.T. that we know and take for granted today is not much more than a hundred years old , generally accepted as having originated in 1867 with the variety called ‘ La France ’ .
9 In the absence of any accretion , this is generally accepted as being an upper limit to the age of the pulsar , indicating that the pulsar is young compared with other globular cluster pulsars .
10 That is to say , your study will provide you with the knowledge that is generally accepted as making up the subject .
11 Even if these criteria were generally accepted as determinative , there is no evidence that all ( or even any ) of these factors were present in the contracts between the creditors and the Tin Council .
12 The magnificent Persian carpets in Western museums , that are generally accepted as being the epitome of oriental textile art , were not made until the early 16th century .
13 It is often represented in rugs as a cloud with a short tail , and is generally accepted as symbolizing a wish , or the hope that a wish be fulfilled .
14 Central Asia is acknowledge by most authorities as the most likely birthplace of the oriental rug , and the Turkoman nomads , who have inhabited the region for millennia , are generally accepted as having inherited the oldest pile-weaving tradition still in existence .
15 Power is legitimate authority in that it is generally accepted as just and proper by members of society as a whole .
16 The Section d'Or , on the other hand , was generally accepted as being Cubist in character .
17 However , several consonants are generally accepted as phonemes of RP despite not being free to occur in all positions ( e.g. , , , , , ) , so this argument , though supporting the one-phoneme analysis , does not actually prove that , must be classed with other single-consonant phonemes .
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