Example sentences of "longer limited [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No longer limited to solo celebration and practical experiment , they have the ‘ networked knowledge ’ of a multitude of colleagues in chemistry , physics , mathematics and engineering , who provide a dazzling range of computer aids .
2 The adoption of steam power in such places as the docks meant that the milling operation was no longer limited to water-powered sites , often in remote locations .
3 In the last few months , it has been increasingly evident that such incidents are no longer limited to the USA .
4 ‘ The most resistant and decisive discourse within modernism ’ , abstract painting , despite its coming-of age , is gradually being redefined to encompass a range of diverse media and approaches which are no longer limited to the strict confines of paint on canvas .
5 Word processing programs are now no longer limited to the world of the monospaced character , real typefaces are provided as a matter of course together with accurate document previews .
6 Parents are now full shareholders , no longer limited to voting by proxy through giving their children advice about subject choice .
7 The advent of commercial and domestic freezing equipment means that what we eat is no longer limited by the time of year — although whether you consider the flavour of food which has been deep frozen for any length of time to be as good is another matter .
8 What we discover within this secret part of ourselves is an inner being , a soul , an inner mind , and inner life , an inner subtle-physical entity which is much larger in its potentialities , more plastic , more powerful , more capable of a manifold knowledge and dynamism than our surface mind , life or body ; especially , it is capable of a direct communication with the universal forces , movements , objects of the cosmos , a direct feeling and opening to them , a direct action of them and even a widening of itself beyond the limit of the personal mind , the personal life , the body , so that it feels itself more and more a universal being no longer limited by the existing walls of out too narrow mental , vital , physical existence .
9 Whatever the mechanism , the result is that : ( a ) the K + accumulated by H + , K + , ATPase can be recycled into the lumen , so that H + /K + exchange is no longer limited by availability of K + ; and ( b ) secretion of Cl - ions can accompany secretion of H + , thereby preserving electroneutrality .
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