Example sentences of "upon himself [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 He did n't dare take it upon himself to enlighten her further .
2 I 'm not saying that 's right , but he took it upon himself to say ‘ You 're not taking liberties with any of our lads . ’
3 He took it upon himself to promote the idea of having a noble building for an Institute in Glasgow , and in this he was ably supported by brothers James and Edwin Docharty , sons of a famous Scottish painter , and a number of other deaf people of exceptional ability .
4 So taken by the Cardus pictures in words , Simon took it upon himself to visit the famous school and ‘ the most beautiful playing fields in the world . ’
5 So taken by the Cardus pictures in words , Simon took it upon himself to visit the famous school and ‘ the most beautiful playing fields in the world . ’
6 Pius took it upon himself to proclaim the Dogma of the Assumption .
7 Sir Herbert Morgan took it upon himself to act as chairman of an unofficial committee to help realise the three-year project .
8 Donald , who describes himself as a Friend of the Earth , does not himself hold a driving licence , but has taken it upon himself to publish a list of prominent men and women who have had the misfortune to be caught driving over the limit a judge , a chief superintendent , various footballers , actors , television personalities — in what he chooses to call his Hall of Shame : It is the number of celebrities we have discovered that is so shocking .
9 That a mere colonel in the White House would have taken it upon himself to engage in such duplicitous and totally illegal operations without the president 's knowledge and authority is quite impossible to believe .
10 After Alaric 's death , Theodoric took it upon himself to defend the Visigoths , and to punish their attackers .
11 The scheme , called simply Bank a Ball , was the brainchild of Hewitt himself , who , having been advised of this long standing need by the International Tennis Federation 's ( ITF ) Director of Development , Doug Macurdy back in October 1991 , took it upon himself to create and develop a plan to overcome the problem .
12 For two months , while the fighting swayed back and forth overseas , Bishop Hrolf , released by the same storms from sentinel duty in the islands , took it upon himself to oversee the defences of the more vulnerable parts of the mainland .
13 Zoser , as rigid as Andrus and far less intelligent , had taken it upon himself to put right the wrong which had been done to his friend and his church .
14 The restorers ' single most valuable resource came in the form of life-size archive photographs of all the Gibbons ' carving at Hampton Court , and David Esterly is the first to admit his debt to the unnamed civil servant who in 1939 seeing war clouds gather , prudently took it upon himself to record the work for future generations .
15 Undaunted , one of the Marines took it upon himself to pop out from hiding just long enough to hurl a grenade at the gun position .
16 Before George could answer , however , Bob Lamb took it upon himself to reply .
17 And Richard took it upon himself to make his friend more sociable , bringing him up from the country for dinners and parties , to Oldfield 's obvious disinterest .
18 v. Perry , 1987 F.L.R. 237 the court had to consider circumstances which differed from those in the present case and in Coldunell Ltd. v. Gallon in that a responsible official of the creditor bank took it upon himself to discharge any duty that might exist in the circumstances by personally dealing with the wife when she executed the documents under attack .
19 And eventually the judge took it upon himself to discharge the jury .
20 The risk undertaken is generally known to the surety , and the circumstances generally point to the view that as between the creditor and surety it was contemplated and intended that the surety should take upon himself to ascertain exactly what risk he was taking upon himself .
21 While the withdrawal of Peter Elliott and Tom McKean weakened the European Relays competition held in tandem with a field event international match between Britain , Italy and Hungary , the Tynesider took it upon himself to elevate the proceedings with the kind of form that suggests he could challenge for an Olympic triple jump medal in Barcelona in two months ' time .
22 If rape is defined as ‘ carnal knowledge of a woman without her consent ’ , then it makes nonsense of the proposition that the jury is the trier of fact if the judge takes it upon himself to tell the jury what is or is not consent .
23 Despite his appearance , the erstwhile executioner treated the princes with a rough kindliness that set him apart from the other attendants — taking it upon himself to ensure that the food was to their liking and the fire well-tended .
24 Also , the local MP has taken it upon himself to look personally into what goes on in this prison . ’
25 Without my knowledge or authorisation , Reg took it upon himself to hand the Press a list of star names I was proposing to bring to the club .
26 Anyone in West Africa who takes it upon himself to tether an animal or restrict its movement , must pay regard to the possibility of an attack by one of these armies .
27 The only reason Naylor had removed that hat was that he had ordered her to do it and , unused to not being obeyed , had taken it upon himself to remove it personally — no argument .
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