Example sentences of "door was open " in BNC.

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1 The front door was open , as we approached , a light came on , probably from an oil lamp .
2 Simon 's door was open , throwing shafts of light into that dark , inner chamber .
3 The door was open and with the strength of ten I hurtled him through it and into the herb garden where he came to rest in a clump of sage .
4 The door was open .
5 The office door was open .
6 There was no one on the terrace and the door was open .
7 The door was open and just inside Marcus was sitting on a chair , wrapped in what appeared to be a cloak or ulster , wearing a tweed hat and holding a stick in his hand .
8 The passenger door was open .
9 The old barn door was open .
10 One such trip was during the first week that Mr. Shipsey started his business — the bakery door was open and Dad and I stood and watched the proceedings , I gazed in amazement as the tin loaves were drawn from the oven , trays of currant buns brought out , brushed with sugar water applied by a three inch brush and doughnuts sprinkled with sugar .
11 This time the front door was open and a swathe of sunlight lay across the red-tiled floor .
12 And the right-hand door was open , that seemed a bit odd .
13 The driver 's door was open and kneeling behind it was the man looking through binoculars .
14 The door was open , and as there was no reply to our knocking , we walked in and along the corridor which I knew led to the main living quarters .
15 The door was open but minds , it seemed , remained closed .
16 The door was open so he went in .
17 The door was open .
18 The creaking continued when the door was open .
19 His mother was in the kitchen doing the ironing and although the door was open she could n't see him .
20 The door was open , and the crumpled figure of a man had toppled from the passenger seat into the road .
21 Very intimate sounds were coming from the cubicles , but it was n't until the girl who had beckoned her earlier on came out of one of them and pointed to another where the door was open , and whispered harshly , ‘ Do n't you want to go ? ’ that she realised , Yes ; yes , she did want to go .
22 The aircraft door was open , and the cargo hatch .
23 Whoever had been there before me did n't know about the spare key because the glass in the top half of the door was shattered and the door was open .
24 But only one door was open and everyone was pushing and shoving to get through .
25 I noticed that the front door was open , as I had left it .
26 The terrace door was open and when he went into the house Ken Corduroy found further disorder ; another chair knocked over , dirty glasses and a smell of spilled whisky .
27 But if the literary text says , ‘ The door was open ’ I can not ask the text what it means by saying that the door was open , I can only speculate about the significance of that door — opened by what agency , leading to what discovery , mystery , goal ?
28 But if the literary text says , ‘ The door was open ’ I can not ask the text what it means by saying that the door was open , I can only speculate about the significance of that door — opened by what agency , leading to what discovery , mystery , goal ?
29 ‘ The door was open , ’ Sophie looked at them in turn , ‘ bad security in this district , no ? ’
30 The door was open and orchestral music could be heard from a radio somewhere within .
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